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Plot the statistics of the cells.


  ident = "seurat_clusters",
  group_by = NULL,
  group_by_sep = "_",
  split_by = NULL,
  split_by_sep = "_",
  facet_by = NULL,
  rows = NULL,
  columns_split_by = NULL,
  frac = c("none", "group", "ident", "cluster", "all"),
  rows_name = NULL,
  name = NULL,
  plot_type = c("bar", "circos", "pie", "pies", "ring", "donut", "trend", "area",
    "sankey", "alluvial", "heatmap", "radar", "spider"),
  swap = FALSE,
  ylab = NULL,



A Seurat object


The column with the cell identities. i.e. clusters. Default: seurat_clusters For 'pies', this will be used as the pie_group_by. For 'heatmap' plot, this will be used as the rows of the heatmap.


The column name in the meta data to group the cells. Default: NULL This should work as the columns of the plot_type: heatmap.


The separator to use when combining multiple columns in group_by. Default: "_" For 'sankey'/'heatmap' plot, multiple columns will not be combined, and each of them will be used as a node.


The column name in the meta data to split the cells. Default: NULL Each split will be plotted in a separate plot.


The separator to use when combining multiple columns in split_by. Default: "_"


The column name in the meta data to facet the plots. Default: NULL Not available for 'circos', 'sankey', and 'heatmap' plots.


The column names in the data used as the rows of the 'pies' (heatmap with cell_type = 'pie'). Default: NULL. Only available for 'pies' plot. The values don't matter, and they only indicate the cells overlapping with the columns and distributed in different ident values.


The column name in the meta data to split the columns of the 'pies'/'heatmap' plot. Default: NULL


The way of calculating the fraction. Default is "none". Possible values are "group", "ident", "cluster", "all", "none". Note that the fractions are calculated in each split and facet group if split_by and facet_by are specified.

  • group: calculate the fraction in each group. The total fraction of the cells of idents in each group will be 1. When group-by is not specified, it will be the same as all.

  • ident: calculate the fraction in each ident. The total fraction of the cells of groups in each ident will be 1. Only works when group-by is specified.

  • cluster: alias of ident.

  • all: calculate the fraction against all cells.

  • none: do not calculate the fraction, use the number of cells instead.


The name of the rows in the 'pies'/'heatmap' plot. Default is NULL.


The name of the 'pies'/'heatmap' plot, shown as the name of the main legend. Default is NULL.


The type of plot to use. Default is "bar". Possible values are "bar", "circos", "pie", "pies", "ring"/"donut", "trend", "area", "heatmap", "sankey"/"alluvial", "radar" and "spider". 'pie' vs 'pies': 'pie' plot will plot a single pie chart for each group, while 'pies' plot will plot multiple pie charts for each group and split. 'pies' basically is a heatmap with 'cell_type = "pie"'.


Whether to swap the cluster and group, that is, using group as the x-axis and cluster to fill the plot. For circos plot, when transposed, the arrows will be drawn from the idents (by ident) to the the groups (by group_by). Only works when group_by is specified. For 'pies' plot, this will swap the group_by and ident. For 'heatmap' plot, this will swap the group_by and columns_split_by. Note that this is different from flip. flip is used to transpose the plot. But swap is used to swap the x and group_by during plotting.


The y-axis label. Default is NULL.


Other arguments passed to the specific plot function.


A ggplot object or a list if combine is FALSE


# library(patchwork)

# Bar plot
p1 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub)
p2 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim")
p3 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", palette = "Set2")
p4 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", position = "stack")
(p1 | p2) / (p3 | p4)

# Fraction of cells
p1 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", frac = "group",
                   ident = "seurat_annotations", x_text_angle = 60)
p2 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", frac = "group")
p3 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", frac = "ident",
                   position = "stack", alpha = .6)
p4 <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", frac = "group",
                   swap = TRUE, position = "stack")
(p1 | p2) / (p3 | p4)

# Splitting/Facetting the plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, split_by = "stim")

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, facet_by = "stim")

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, facet_by = "stim", facet_nrow = 2)

# Circos plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", plot_type = "circos")

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, group_by = "stim", ident = "seurat_annotations",
             plot_type = "circos", labels_rot = TRUE)

# Pie plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "pie")

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "pie", split_by = "stim")

# Ring plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "ring", group_by = "stim",
             palette = "Spectral")
#> 'frac' is forced to 'group' for 'ring' plot.

# Trend plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "trend", frac = "group",
             x_text_angle = 90, group_by = c("stim", "seurat_annotations"))
#> Multiple columns are provided in 'group_by'. They will be concatenated into one column.

# Sankey plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "sankey", group_by = "stim", alpha = .6)

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "sankey", alpha = .6,
             group_by = c("stim", "seurat_annotations", "orig.ident"))

# Area plot
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "area", frac = "group", x_text_angle = 90,
             group_by = "seurat_annotations", split_by = "stim")

# Pies
ifnb_sub$r1 <- sample(c(1, NA), ncol(ifnb_sub), replace = TRUE)
ifnb_sub$r2 <- sample(c(1, NA), ncol(ifnb_sub), replace = TRUE)
ifnb_sub$r3 <- sample(c(1, NA), ncol(ifnb_sub), replace = TRUE)
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "pies", group_by = "stim",
   rows = c("r1", "r2", "r3"), show_row_names = TRUE,
   show_column_names = TRUE, column_names_side = "top", cluster_columns = FALSE,
   row_names_side = "left", pie_size = sqrt)

# Heatmap
CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "heatmap", group_by = "stim", palette = "Blues")

CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "heatmap", group_by = "stim",
   frac = "group", columns_split_by = "seurat_annotations", swap = TRUE)

# Radar plot/Spider plot
pr <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "radar", group_by = "stim")
ps <- CellStatPlot(ifnb_sub, plot_type = "spider", group_by = "stim")
pr | ps