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Options are used to change some behaviors in datar.

Available options


Whether to allow conflict names that reversed by python. For example, filter is a python builtin function, but also a dplyr function. You should use filter_ instead. By default, datar will raise an error when you try to import filter. You can set this option to True to allow this behavior.

>>> from datar.all import filter
>>> # or from datar.dplyr import filter
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name 'filter' from 'datar.all'
>>> from datar import options
>>> options(allow_conflict_names=True)
>>> from datar.all import filter
>>> filter
<function filter_ at 0x7f76b34c0940>

The conflict names under datar.base are:

  • min
  • max
  • sum
  • abs
  • round
  • all
  • any
  • re

The conflict names under datar.dplyr are:

  • filter
  • slice


If you have multiple backends installed, you can use this option to specify which backends to use.

Configuration files

You can change the default behavior of datar by configuring a .toml.toml file in your home directory. For example, to always use underscore-suffixed names for conflicting names, you can add the following to your ~/.datar.toml file:

allow_conflict_names = true

You can also have a project/directory-based configuration file (./.datar.toml) in your current working directory, which has higher priority than the home directory configuration file.