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  • across(_data, *args, _names, **kwargs) (T) Apply the same transformation to multiple columns</>
  • add_count(_data, *args, wt, sort, name, **kwargs) (Any) Add a count column to a data frame</>
  • add_tally(_data, wt, sort, name) (Any) Add a count column to a data frame</>
  • all_of(_data, x) (Any) For strict selection.</>
  • anti_join(x, y, by, copy, na_matches) (Any) Anti join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • any_of(_data, x, vars) (Any) For strict selection.</>
  • arrange(_data, *args, _by_group, **kwargs) (Any) orders the rows of a data frame by the values of selected columns.</>
  • between(x, left, right, inclusive) (Any) Check if a value is between two other values</>
  • bind_cols(*data, _name_repair, _copy) (Any) Bind columns of give dataframes</>
  • bind_rows(*data, _id, _copy, **kwargs) (Any) Bind rows of give dataframes</>
  • c_across(_data, _cols) (T) Apply the same transformation to multiple columns rowwisely</>
  • case_match(_x, *args, _default, _dtypes) (T) This function allows you to vectorise multiple switch() statements.Each case is evaluated sequentially and the first match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the _default is used. </>
  • case_when(cond, value, *more_cases) (Any) Vectorise multiple if_else() statements.</>
  • coalesce(x, *replace) (Any) Replace missing values with the first non-missing value</>
  • consecutive_id(x, *args) (Sequence) Generate consecutive ids</>
  • contains(_data, match, ignore_case, vars) (Any) Select columns that contain a string.</>
  • count(_data, *args, wt, sort, name, _drop, **kwargs) (Any) Count the number of rows in each group</>
  • cross_join(x, y, copy, suffix) (T) Cross joins match each row in x to every row in y, resulting in adata frame with nrow(x) * nrow(y) rows. </>
  • cumall(x) (Any) Get cumulative bool. All cases after first False</>
  • cumany(x) (Any) Get cumulative bool. All cases after first True</>
  • cume_dist(x, na_last) (Any) Get the cume_dist of x</>
  • cummean(x, na_rm) (Any) Cumulative mean</>
  • cur_column(_data, _name) (Any) Get the current column</>
  • cur_data(_data) (Any) Get the current dataframe</>
  • cur_data_all(_data) (Any) Get the current data for the current group includingthe grouping variables </>
  • cur_group(_data) (Any) Get the current group</>
  • cur_group_id(_data) (Any) Get the current group id</>
  • cur_group_rows(_data) (Any) Get the current group row indices</>
  • dense_rank(x, na_last) (Any) Get the dense rank of x</>
  • desc(x) (Any) Transform a vector into a format that will be sorted in descending order</>
  • distinct(_data, *args, keep_all, _preserve) (Any) Filter a data frame based on conditions</>
  • ends_with(_data, match, ignore_case, vars) (Any) Select columns that end with a string.</>
  • everything(_data) (Any) Select all variables.</>
  • filter_(_data, *conditions, _preserve) (Any) Filter a data frame based on conditions</>
  • first(x, order_by, default) (Any) Extract the first element of a vector</>
  • full_join(x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches, multiple, unmatched, relationship) (Any) Full join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • glimpse(_data, width, formatter) (Any) Display a summary of a data frame</>
  • group_by(_data, *args, _add, _drop) (Any) Create a grouped frame</>
  • group_by_drop_default(_data) (Any) Get the default value of _drop of a frame</>
  • group_cols(_data) (Any) Get the group columns of a frame</>
  • group_data(_data) (Any) Get the group data of a frame</>
  • group_indices(_data) (Any) Get the group indices of a frame</>
  • group_keys(_data) (Any) Get the group keys of a frame</>
  • group_map(_data, _f, *args, _keep, **kwargs) (Any) Apply a function to each group</>
  • group_modify(_data, _f, *args, _keep, **kwargs) (Any) Apply a function to each group</>
  • group_rows(_data) (Any) Get the group rows of a frame</>
  • group_size(_data) (Any) Get the group sizes of a frame</>
  • group_split(_data, *args, _keep, **kwargs) (Any) Split a grouped frame into a list of data frames</>
  • group_trim(_data, _drop) (Any) Remove empty groups</>
  • group_vars(_data) (Any) Get the grouping variables of a frame</>
  • group_walk(_data, _f, *args, _keep, **kwargs) (Any) Apply a function to each group</>
  • if_all(_data, *args, _names, **kwargs) (Any) Apply the same predicate function to a selection of columns and combinethe results True if all elements are True. </>
  • if_any(_data, *args, _names, **kwargs) (Any) Apply the same predicate function to a selection of columns and combinethe results True if any element is True. </>
  • if_else(condition, true, false, missing) (Any) Where condition is TRUE, the matching value from true, where it's FALSE,the matching value from false, otherwise missing. </>
  • inner_join(x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches, multiple, unmatched, relationship) (Any) Inner join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • lag(x, n, default, order_by) (Any) Shift a vector by n positions.</>
  • last(x, order_by, default) (Any) Extract the last element of a vector</>
  • last_col(_data, offset, vars) (Any) Select the last column.</>
  • lead(x, n, default, order_by) (Any) Shift a vector by n positions.</>
  • left_join(x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches, multiple, unmatched, relationship) (Any) Left join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • matches(_data, match, ignore_case, vars) (Any) Select columns that match a regular expression.</>
  • min_rank(x, na_last) (Any) Get the min rank of x</>
  • mutate(_data, *args, _keep, _before, _after, **kwargs) (Any) Add new columns to a data frame.</>
  • n(_data) (Any) Get the current group size</>
  • n_distinct(_data, na_rm) (Any) Count the number of distinct values</>
  • n_groups(_data) (int) Get the number of groups of a frame</>
  • na_if(x, value) (Any) Replace values with missing values</>
  • near(x, y, tol) (Any) Check if values are approximately equal</>
  • nest_join(x, y, by, copy, keep, name, na_matches, unmatched) (Any) Nest join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • nth(x, n, order_by, default) (Any) Extract the nth element of a vector</>
  • ntile(x, n) (Any) a rough rank, which breaks the input vector into n buckets.The size of the buckets may differ by up to one, larger buckets have lower rank. </>
  • num_range(prefix, range_, width) (Any) Matches a numerical range like x01, x02, x03.</>
  • order_by(order, call) (Any) Order the data by the given order</>
  • percent_rank(x, na_last) (Any) Get the percent rank of x</>
  • pick(_data, *args) (T) Pick columns by name</>
  • pull(_data, var, name, to) (Any) Pull a series or a dataframe from a dataframe</>
  • recode(_x, *args, _default, _missing, **kwargs) (Any) Recode a vector, replacing elements in it</>
  • recode_factor(_x, *args, _default, _missing, _ordered, **kwargs) (Any) Recode a factor, replacing levels in it</>
  • relocate(_data, *args, _before, _after, **kwargs) (Any) change column positions</>
  • rename(_data, **kwargs) (Any) Rename columns</>
  • rename_with(_data, _fn, *args, **kwargs) (Any) Rename columns with a function</>
  • right_join(x, y, by, copy, suffix, keep, na_matches, multiple, unmatched, relationship) (Any) Right join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • row_number(x) (Any) Get the row number of x</>
  • rows_append(x, y, **kwargs) (Any) Append rows in y to x</>
  • rows_delete(x, y, by, unmatched, **kwargs) (Any) Delete rows in x that match keys in y</>
  • rows_insert(x, y, by, conflict, **kwargs) (Any) Insert rows from y into x</>
  • rows_patch(x, y, by, unmatched, **kwargs) (Any) Patch rows in x with values from y</>
  • rows_update(x, y, by, unmatched, **kwargs) (Any) Update rows in x with values from y</>
  • rows_upsert(x, y, by, **kwargs) (Any) Upsert rows in x with values from y</>
  • rowwise(_data, *cols) (Any) Create a rowwise frame</>
  • select(_data, *args, **kwargs) (Any) Select columns from a data frame.</>
  • semi_join(x, y, by, copy, na_matches) (Any) Semi join two data frames by matching rows.</>
  • slice_(_data, *args, _preserve) (Any) Extract rows by their position</>
  • slice_head(_data, n, prop) (Any) Extract the first rows</>
  • slice_max(_data, order_by, n, prop, with_ties) (Any) Extract rows with the maximum value</>
  • slice_min(_data, order_by, n, prop, with_ties) (Any) Extract rows with the minimum value</>
  • slice_sample(_data, n, prop, weight_by, replace) (Any) Extract rows by sampling</>
  • slice_tail(_data, n, prop) (Any) Extract the last rows</>
  • starts_with(_data, match, ignore_case, vars) (Any) Select columns that start with a string.</>
  • summarise(_data, *args, _groups, **kwargs) (Any) Summarise a data frame.</>
  • symdiff(x, y) (T) Get the symmetric difference of two dataframes</>
  • tally(_data, wt, sort, name) (Any) Count the number of rows in each group</>
  • transmute(_data, *args, _before, _after, **kwargs) (Any) Add new columns to a data frame and remove existing columnsusing mutate with _keep="none". </>
  • ungroup(_data, *cols) (Any) Remove grouping variables</>
  • union_all(x, y) (Any) Combine two data frames together.</>
  • where(_data, fn) (Any) Selects the variables for which a function returns True.</>
  • with_groups(_data, _groups, _func, *args, **kwargs) (Any) Modify the grouping variables for a single operation.</>
  • with_order(order, func, x, *args, **kwargs) (Any) Control argument and result of a window function</>

datar.apis.dplyr.pick(_data, *args)

Pick columns by name

The original API:

  • _data (T) The dataframe
  • *args The columns to pick
Returns (T)

The picked dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.across(_data, *args, _names=None, **kwargs)

Apply the same transformation to multiple columns

The original API:


>>> iris >> mutate(across(c(f.Sepal_Length, f.Sepal_Width), round))
    Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width  Petal_Length  Petal_Width    Species
       <float64>    <float64>     <float64>    <float64>   <object>
0            5.0          4.0           1.4          0.2     setosa
1            5.0          3.0           1.4          0.2     setosa
..           ...          ...           ...          ...        ...
>>> iris >> group_by(f.Species) >> summarise(
>>>     across(starts_with("Sepal"), mean)
>>> )
      Species  Sepal_Length  Sepal_Width
     <object>     <float64>    <float64>
0      setosa         5.006        3.428
1  versicolor         5.936        2.770
2   virginica         6.588        2.974
  • _data (T) The dataframe.
  • *args If given, the first 2 elements should be columns and functionsapply to each of the selected columns. The rest of them will be the arguments for the functions.
  • _names (optional) A glue specification that describes how to namethe output columns. This can use {_col} to stand for the selected column name, and {_fn} to stand for the name of the function being applied. The default (None) is equivalent to {_col} for the single function case and {_col}_{_fn} for the case where a list is used for _fns. In such a case, {_fn} is 0-based. To use 1-based index, use {_fn1}
  • **kwargs Keyword arguments for the functions
  • _fn_context Defines the context to evaluate the arguments for functionsif they are plain functions. Note that registered functions will use its own context
Returns (T)

A dataframe with one column for each column and each function.


datar.apis.dplyr.c_across(_data, _cols=None)

Apply the same transformation to multiple columns rowwisely

  • _data (T) The dataframe
  • _cols (optional) The columns
Returns (T)

A rowwise tibble


datar.apis.dplyr.if_any(_data, *args, _names=None, **kwargs) → Any

Apply the same predicate function to a selection of columns and combinethe results True if any element is True.

See Also

datar.apis.dplyr.if_all(_data, *args, _names=None, **kwargs) → Any

Apply the same predicate function to a selection of columns and combinethe results True if all elements are True.

See Also

datar.apis.dplyr.symdiff(x, y)

Get the symmetric difference of two dataframes

It computes the symmetric difference, i.e. all rows in x that aren't in y and all rows in y that aren't in x.

The original API:

  • x (T) A dataframe
  • y (T) A dataframe
Returns (T)

The symmetric difference of x and y


datar.apis.dplyr.arrange(_data, *args, _by_group=False, **kwargs)

orders the rows of a data frame by the values of selected columns.

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • _by_group (optional) If TRUE, will sort first by grouping variable.Applies to grouped data frames only.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs that apply with mutate
  • *series Variables, or functions of variables.Use desc() to sort a variable in descending order.
Returns (Any)

An object of the same type as _data.The output has the following properties: All rows appear in the output, but (usually) in a different place. Columns are not modified. Groups are not modified. Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.bind_rows(*data, _id=None, _copy=True, **kwargs)

Bind rows of give dataframes

Original APIs

  • *data Dataframes to combine
  • _id (optional) The name of the id columns
  • _copy (bool, optional) If False, do not copy data unnecessarily.Original API does not support this. This argument will be passed by to pandas.concat() as copy argument.
  • **kwargs A mapping of dataframe, keys will be used as _id col.
Returns (Any)

The combined dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.bind_cols(*data, _name_repair='unique', _copy=True)

Bind columns of give dataframes

Note that unlike dplyr, mismatched dimensions are allowed and missing rows will be filled with NAs

  • *data Dataframes to bind
  • _name_repair (optional) treatment of problematic column names:
    • - "minimal": No name repair or checks, beyond basic existence,
    • - "unique": Make sure names are unique and not empty,
    • - "check_unique": (default value), no name repair,
        but check they are unique,
    • - "universal": Make the names unique and syntactic
    • - a function: apply custom name repair
  • _copy (bool, optional) If False, do not copy data unnecessarily.Original API does not support this. This argument will be passed by to pandas.concat() as copy argument.
Returns (Any)

The combined dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.cur_column(_data, _name)

Get the current column

  • _data The dataframe
  • _name The column name
Returns (Any)

The current column



Get the current dataframe

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The current dataframe



Get the current group size

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The number of rows



Get the current data for the current group includingthe grouping variables

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The current dataframe



Get the current group

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The current group



Get the current group id

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The current group id



Get the current group row indices

  • _data The dataframe
Returns (Any)

The current group rows


datar.apis.dplyr.count(_data, *args, wt=None, sort=False, name=None, _drop=None, **kwargs)

Count the number of rows in each group

Original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args Variables, or functions of variables.Use desc() to sort a variable in descending order.
  • wt (optional) A variable or function of variables to weight by.
  • sort (optional) If TRUE, the result will be sorted by the count.
  • name (optional) The name of the count column.
  • _drop (optional) If False, keep grouping variables even if they are not used.Original API does not support this.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs that apply with mutate
Returns (Any)

A data frame with the same number of rows as the number of groups.The output has the following properties: All rows appear in the output, but (usually) in a different place. Columns are not modified. Groups are not modified. Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.tally(_data, wt=None, sort=False, name=None)

Count the number of rows in each group

Original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • wt (optional) A variable or function of variables to weight by.
  • sort (optional) If TRUE, the result will be sorted by the count.
  • name (optional) The name of the count column.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with the same number of rows as the number of groups.The output has the following properties: All rows appear in the output, but (usually) in a different place. Columns are not modified. Groups are not modified. Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.add_count(_data, *args, wt=None, sort=False, name='n', **kwargs)

Add a count column to a data frame

Original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args Variables, or functions of variables.Use desc() to sort a variable in descending order.
  • wt (optional) A variable or function of variables to weight by.
  • sort (optional) If TRUE, the result will be sorted by the count.
  • name (optional) The name of the count column.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs that apply with mutate
Returns (Any)

A data frame with the same number of rows as the number of groups.The output has the following properties: All rows appear in the output, but (usually) in a different place. Columns are not modified. Groups are not modified. Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.add_tally(_data, wt=None, sort=False, name='n')

Add a count column to a data frame

Original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • wt (optional) A variable or function of variables to weight by.
  • sort (optional) If TRUE, the result will be sorted by the count.
  • name (optional) The name of the count column.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with the same number of rows as the number of groups.The output has the following properties: All rows appear in the output, but (usually) in a different place. Columns are not modified. Groups are not modified. Data frame attributes are preserved.



Transform a vector into a format that will be sorted in descending order

This is useful within arrange().

The original API:

  • x vector to transform
Returns (Any)

The descending order of x


datar.apis.dplyr.filter_(_data, *conditions, _preserve=False)

Filter a data frame based on conditions

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *conditions Conditions to filter by.
  • _preserve (bool, optional) If True, keep grouping variables even if they are not used.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.distinct(_data, *args, keep_all=False, _preserve=False)

Filter a data frame based on conditions

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args Variables to filter by.
  • keep_all (bool, optional) If True, keep all rows that match.
  • _preserve (bool, optional) If True, keep grouping variables even if they are not used.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.n_distinct(_data, na_rm=True)

Count the number of distinct values

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • na_rm (bool, optional) If True, remove missing values before counting.
Returns (Any)

The number of distinct values


datar.apis.dplyr.glimpse(_data, width=None, formatter=None) → Any

Display a summary of a data frame

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • width (int, optional) Width of output, defaults to the width of the console.
  • formatter (optional) A single-dispatch function to format a single element.

datar.apis.dplyr.slice_(_data, *args, _preserve=False)

Extract rows by their position

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args Positions to extract.
  • _preserve (bool, optional) If True, keep grouping variables even if they are not used.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.slice_head(_data, n=None, prop=None)

Extract the first rows

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • n (int, optional) Number of rows to extract.
  • prop (float, optional) Proportion of rows to extract.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.slice_tail(_data, n=None, prop=None)

Extract the last rows

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • n (int, optional) Number of rows to extract.
  • prop (float, optional) Proportion of rows to extract.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.slice_sample(_data, n=1, prop=None, weight_by=None, replace=False)

Extract rows by sampling

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • n (int, optional) Number of rows to extract.
  • prop (float, optional) Proportion of rows to extract.
  • weight_by (optional) A variable or function of variables to weight by.
  • replace (bool, optional) If True, sample with replacement.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.slice_min(_data, order_by, n=1, prop=None, with_ties=None)

Extract rows with the minimum value

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • order_by A variable or function of variables to order by.
  • n (int, optional) Number of rows to extract.
  • prop (float, optional) Proportion of rows to extract.
  • with_ties (bool | str, optional) If True, extract all rows with the minimum value.If "first", extract the first row with the minimum value. If "last", extract the last row with the minimum value.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.slice_max(_data, order_by, n=1, prop=None, with_ties=None)

Extract rows with the maximum value

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • order_by A variable or function of variables to order by.
  • n (int, optional) Number of rows to extract.
  • prop (float, optional) Proportion of rows to extract.
  • with_ties (bool | str, optional) If True, extract all rows with the maximum value.If "first", extract the first row with the maximum value. If "last", extract the last row with the maximum value.
Returns (Any)

The subset dataframe


datar.apis.dplyr.between(x, left, right, inclusive='both')

Check if a value is between two other values

The original API:

  • x A value
  • left The left bound
  • right The right bound
  • inclusive (str, optional) Either both, neither, left or right.Include boundaries. Whether to set each bound as closed or open.
Returns (Any)

A bool value if x is scalar, otherwise an array of boolean valuesNote that it will be always False when NA appears in x, left or right.


datar.apis.dplyr.cummean(x, na_rm=False)

Cumulative mean

The original API:

  • x A numeric vector
  • na_rm (bool, optional) If True, remove missing values before computing.
Returns (Any)

An array of cumulative means



Get cumulative bool. All cases after first False

The original API:

  • x A logical vector
Returns (Any)

An array of cumulative conjunctions



Get cumulative bool. All cases after first True

The original API:

  • x A logical vector
Returns (Any)

An array of cumulative disjunctions


datar.apis.dplyr.coalesce(x, *replace)

Replace missing values with the first non-missing value

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • *replace Values to replace missing values with.
Returns (Any)

An array of values


datar.apis.dplyr.consecutive_id(x, *args)

Generate consecutive ids

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • *args Other vectors
Returns (Sequence)

A sequence of consecutive ids


datar.apis.dplyr.na_if(x, value)

Replace values with missing values

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • value Values to replace with missing values.
Returns (Any)

An array of values


datar.apis.dplyr.near(x, y, tol=1e-08)

Check if values are approximately equal

The original API:

  • x A numeric vector
  • y A numeric vector
  • tol (float, optional) Tolerance
Returns (Any)

An array of boolean values


datar.apis.dplyr.nth(x, n, order_by=None, default=None)

Extract the nth element of a vector

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • n The index of the element to extract.
  • order_by (optional) A variable or function of variables to order by.
  • default (optional) A default value to return if n is out of bounds.
Returns (Any)

A value


datar.apis.dplyr.first(x, order_by=None, default=None)

Extract the first element of a vector

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • order_by (optional) A variable or function of variables to order by.
  • default (optional) A default value to return if x is empty.
Returns (Any)

A value


datar.apis.dplyr.last(x, order_by=None, default=None)

Extract the last element of a vector

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • order_by (optional) A variable or function of variables to order by.
  • default (optional) A default value to return if x is empty.
Returns (Any)

A value


datar.apis.dplyr.group_by(_data, *args, _add=False, _drop=None)

Create a grouped frame

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args A variable or function of variables to group by.
  • _add (bool, optional) If True, add grouping variables to an existing group.
  • _drop (bool, optional) If True, drop grouping variables from the output.
Returns (Any)

A grouped frame


datar.apis.dplyr.ungroup(_data, *cols)

Remove grouping variables

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • *cols (str | int) Columns to remove grouping variables from.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.rowwise(_data, *cols)

Create a rowwise frame

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *cols (str | int) Columns to make rowwise.
Returns (Any)

A rowwise frame



Get the default value of _drop of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
Returns (Any)

A bool value



Get the grouping variables of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of grouping variables



Get the group indices of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group indices



Get the group keys of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group keys



Get the group sizes of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group sizes



Get the group rows of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group rows



Get the group columns of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group columns



Get the group data of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (Any)

A list of group data



Get the number of groups of a frame

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
Returns (int)

An int value


datar.apis.dplyr.group_map(_data, _f, *args, _keep=False, **kwargs)

Apply a function to each group

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • _f A function to apply to each group.
  • *args Additional arguments to pass to func.
  • _keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to func.
Returns (Any)

A list of results


datar.apis.dplyr.group_modify(_data, _f, *args, _keep=False, **kwargs)

Apply a function to each group

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • _f A function to apply to each group.
  • *args Additional arguments to pass to func.
  • _keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to func.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.group_split(_data, *args, _keep=False, **kwargs)

Split a grouped frame into a list of data frames

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • *args Additional arguments to pass to func.
  • _keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to func.
Returns (Any)

A list of data frames


datar.apis.dplyr.group_trim(_data, _drop=None)

Remove empty groups

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • _drop (optional) See group_by.
Returns (Any)

A grouped frame


datar.apis.dplyr.group_walk(_data, _f, *args, _keep=False, **kwargs)

Apply a function to each group

The original API:

  • _data A grouped frame
  • _f A function to apply to each group.
  • *args Additional arguments to pass to func.
  • **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to pass to func.
Returns (Any)

A grouped frame


datar.apis.dplyr.with_groups(_data, _groups, _func, *args, **kwargs)

Modify the grouping variables for a single operation.

  • _data A data frame
  • _groups columns passed by group_byUse None to temporarily ungroup.
  • _func Function to apply to regrouped data.
Returns (Any)

The new data frame with operations applied.


datar.apis.dplyr.if_else(condition, true, false, missing=None)

Where condition is TRUE, the matching value from true, where it's FALSE,the matching value from false, otherwise missing.

Note that NAs will be False in condition if missing is not specified

  • condition the conditions
  • true and
  • false Values to use for TRUE and FALSE values of condition.They must be either the same length as condition, or length 1.
  • missing (optional) If not None, will be used to replace missing values
Returns (Any)

A series with values replaced.


datar.apis.dplyr.case_match(_x, *args, _default=None, _dtypes=None)T

This function allows you to vectorise multiple switch() statements.Each case is evaluated sequentially and the first match for each element determines the corresponding value in the output vector. If no cases match, the _default is used.

The original API:

  • _x (T) A vector
  • *args A series of condition-value pairs
  • _default (optional) The default value
  • _dtypes (optional) The data types of the output

datar.apis.dplyr.case_when(cond, value, *more_cases)

Vectorise multiple if_else() statements.

  • cond A boolean vector
  • value A vector with values to replace
  • *more_cases A list of tuples (cond, value)
Returns (Any)

A vector with values replaced.


datar.apis.dplyr.inner_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, suffix=('_x', '_y'), keep=False, na_matches='na', multiple='all', unmatched='drop', relationship=None)

Inner join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • suffix (Sequence, optional) A tuple of suffixes to apply to overlapping columns.
  • keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
  • multiple (str, optional) How should multiple matches be handled?"all": All matches are returned. "first": The first match is returned. "last": The last match is returned. "any": Any of the matched rows in y
  • unmatched (str, optional) How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rowsbe handled? "drop": Drop unmatched keys. "error": Raise an error.
  • relationship (str, optional) The relationship between x and y.None: No expected relationship. "one_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "one_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y. "many_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "many_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.left_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, suffix=('_x', '_y'), keep=False, na_matches='na', multiple='all', unmatched='drop', relationship=None)

Left join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • suffix (Sequence, optional) A tuple of suffixes to apply to overlapping columns.
  • keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
  • multiple (str, optional) How should multiple matches be handled?"all": All matches are returned. "first": The first match is returned. "last": The last match is returned. "any": Any of the matched rows in y
  • unmatched (str, optional) How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rowsbe handled? "drop": Drop unmatched keys. "error": Raise an error.
  • relationship (str, optional) The relationship between x and y.None: No expected relationship. "one_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "one_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y. "many_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "many_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.right_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, suffix=('_x', '_y'), keep=False, na_matches='na', multiple='all', unmatched='drop', relationship=None)

Right join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • suffix (Sequence, optional) A tuple of suffixes to apply to overlapping columns.
  • keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
  • multiple (str, optional) How should multiple matches be handled?"all": All matches are returned. "first": The first match is returned. "last": The last match is returned. "any": Any of the matched rows in y
  • unmatched (str, optional) How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rowsbe handled? "drop": Drop unmatched keys. "error": Raise an error.
  • relationship (str, optional) The relationship between x and y.None: No expected relationship. "one_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "one_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y. "many_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "many_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.full_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, suffix=('_x', '_y'), keep=False, na_matches='na', multiple='all', unmatched='drop', relationship=None)

Full join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • suffix (Sequence, optional) A tuple of suffixes to apply to overlapping columns.
  • keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
  • multiple (str, optional) How should multiple matches be handled?"all": All matches are returned. "first": The first match is returned. "last": The last match is returned. "any": Any of the matched rows in y
  • unmatched (str, optional) How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rowsbe handled? "drop": Drop unmatched keys. "error": Raise an error.
  • relationship (str, optional) The relationship between x and y.None: No expected relationship. "one_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "one_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y. "many_to_one": Each row in x matches at most one row in y. "many_to_many": Each row in x matches zero or more rows in y.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.semi_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, na_matches='na')

Semi join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.anti_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, na_matches='na')

Anti join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.nest_join(x, y, by=None, copy=False, keep=False, name=None, na_matches='na', unmatched='drop')

Nest join two data frames by matching rows.

The original API:

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) A list of column names to join by.If None, use the intersection of the columns of x and y.
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • keep (bool, optional) If True, keep the grouping variables in the output.
  • name (optional) The name of the column to store the nested data frame.
  • na_matches (str, optional) How should NA values be matched?"na": NA values are equal. "never": NA values are never matched.
  • unmatched (str, optional) How should unmatched keys that would result in dropped rowsbe handled? "drop": Drop unmatched keys. "error": Raise an error.
Returns (Any)

A data frame


datar.apis.dplyr.cross_join(x, y, copy=False, suffix=('_x', '_y'))

Cross joins match each row in x to every row in y, resulting in adata frame with nrow(x) * nrow(y) rows.

The original API:

  • x (T) A data frame
  • y (T) A data frame
  • copy (bool, optional) If True, always copy the data.
  • suffix (Sequence, optional) A tuple of suffixes to apply to overlapping columns.
Returns (T)

An object of the same type as x (including the same groups).


datar.apis.dplyr.lead(x, n=1, default=None, order_by=None)

Shift a vector by n positions.

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • n (optional) The number of positions to shift.
  • default (optional) The default value to use for positions that don't exist.
  • order_by (optional) A vector of column names to order by.
Returns (Any)

A vector


datar.apis.dplyr.lag(x, n=1, default=None, order_by=None)

Shift a vector by n positions.

The original API:

  • x A vector
  • n (optional) The number of positions to shift.
  • default (optional) The default value to use for positions that don't exist.
  • order_by (optional) A vector of column names to order by.
Returns (Any)

A vector


datar.apis.dplyr.mutate(_data, *args, _keep='all', _before=None, _after=None, **kwargs)

Add new columns to a data frame.

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args and
  • _keep (str, optional) allows you to control which columns from _data are retainedin the output:
    • - "all", the default, retains all variables.
    • - "used" keeps any variables used to make new variables;
        it's useful for checking your work as it displays inputs and
        outputs side-by-side.
    • - "unused" keeps only existing variables not used to make new
    • - "none", only keeps grouping keys (like transmute()).
  • _before (optional) A list of column names to put the new columns before.
  • _after (optional) A list of column names to put the new columns after.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs. The name gives the name of the columnin the output. The value can be:
    • - A vector of length 1, which will be recycled to the correct
    • - A vector the same length as the current group (or the whole
        data frame if ungrouped).
    • - None to remove the column
Returns (Any)

An object of the same type as _data. The output has the followingproperties:

  • - Rows are not affected.
  • - Existing columns will be preserved according to the _keep
      argument. New columns will be placed according to the
      _before and _after arguments. If _keep = "none"
      (as in transmute()), the output order is determined only
      by ..., not the order of existing columns.
  • - Columns given value None will be removed
  • - Groups will be recomputed if a grouping variable is mutated.
  • - Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.transmute(_data, *args, _before=None, _after=None, **kwargs)

Add new columns to a data frame and remove existing columnsusing mutate with _keep="none".

The original API:

  • _data A data frame
  • *args and
  • _before (optional) A list of column names to put the new columns before.
  • _after (optional) A list of column names to put the new columns after.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs. The name gives the name of the columnin the output. The value can be:
    • - A vector of length 1, which will be recycled to the correct
    • - A vector the same length as the current group (or the whole
        data frame if ungrouped).
    • - None to remove the column
Returns (Any)

An object of the same type as _data. The output has the followingproperties:

  • - Rows are not affected.
  • - Existing columns will be preserved according to the _keep
      argument. New columns will be placed according to the
      _before and _after arguments. If _keep = "none"
      (as in transmute()), the output order is determined only
      by ..., not the order of existing columns.
  • - Columns given value None will be removed
  • - Groups will be recomputed if a grouping variable is mutated.
  • - Data frame attributes are preserved.


datar.apis.dplyr.order_by(order, call)

Order the data by the given order


This function should be called as an argument of a verb. If you want to call it regularly, try with_order()

>>> df = tibble(x=c[1:6])>>> df >> mutate(y=order_by(c[5:], cumsum(f.x)))
>>> # df.y:
>>> # 15, 14, 12, 9, 5
  • order An iterable to control the data order
  • data The data to be ordered
Returns (Any)

A Function expression for verb to evaluate.


datar.apis.dplyr.with_order(order, func, x, *args, **kwargs)

Control argument and result of a window function

>>> with_order([5,4,3,2,1], cumsum, [1,2,3,4,5])>>> # 15, 14, 12, 9, 5
  • order An iterable to order the arugment and result
  • func The window function
  • x The first arugment for the function
  • *args and
  • **kwargs Other arugments for the function
Returns (Any)

The ordered result or an expression if there is expression in arguments


datar.apis.dplyr.pull(_data, var=-1, name=None, to=None)

Pull a series or a dataframe from a dataframe

  • _data The dataframe
  • var (str | int, optional) The column to pull, either the name or the index
  • name (optional) The name of the pulled value
    • - If to is frame, or the value pulled is data frame, it will be
        the column names
    • - If to is series, it will be the series name. If multiple names
        are given, only the first name will be used.
    • - If to is series, but value pulled is a data frame, then a
        dictionary of series with the series names as keys or given name
        as keys.
  • to (optional) Type of data to return.Only works when pulling a for name a$b
    • - series: Return a pandas Series object
        Group information will be lost
        If pulled value is a dataframe, it will return a dict of series,
        with the series names or the name provided.
    • - array: Return a numpy.ndarray object
    • - frame: Return a DataFrame with that column
    • - list: Return a python list
    • - dict: Return a dict with name as keys and pulled value as values
        Only a single column is allowed to pull
    • - If not provided: series when pulled data has only one columns.
        dict if name provided and has the same length as the pulled
        single column. Otherwise frame.
Returns (Any)

The data according to to



Get the row number of x

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get row numberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called row_number()
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.ntile(__html__(), n=None)

a rough rank, which breaks the input vector into n buckets.The size of the buckets may differ by up to one, larger buckets have lower rank.

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get rownumberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called ntile(n=...)
  • n (int, optional) The number of groups to divide the data into
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.min_rank(__html__(), na_last='keep')

Get the min rank of x

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get row numberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called min_rank()
  • na_last (str, optional) How NA values are ranked
    • - "keep": NA values are ranked at the end
    • - "top": NA values are ranked at the top
    • - "bottom": NA values are ranked at the bottom
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.dense_rank(__html__(), na_last='keep')

Get the dense rank of x

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get row numberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called dense_rank()
  • na_last (str, optional) How NA values are ranked
    • - "keep": NA values are ranked at the end
    • - "top": NA values are ranked at the top
    • - "bottom": NA values are ranked at the bottom
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.percent_rank(__html__(), na_last='keep')

Get the percent rank of x

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get row numberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called percent_rank()
  • na_last (str, optional) How NA values are ranked
    • - "keep": NA values are ranked at the end
    • - "top": NA values are ranked at the top
    • - "bottom": NA values are ranked at the bottom
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.cume_dist(__html__(), na_last='keep')

Get the cume_dist of x

Note that this function doesn't support piping.

  • x The data to get row numberDefaults to Symbolic() so the whole data is used by default when called cume_dist()
  • na_last (str, optional) How NA values are ranked
    • - "keep": NA values are ranked at the end
    • - "top": NA values are ranked at the top
    • - "bottom": NA values are ranked at the bottom
Returns (Any)

The row number


datar.apis.dplyr.recode(_x, *args, _default=None, _missing=None, **kwargs)

Recode a vector, replacing elements in it

  • *args and
  • _default (optional) If supplied, all values not otherwise matched will begiven this value. If not supplied and if the replacements are the same type as the original values in series, unmatched values are not changed. If not supplied and if the replacements are not compatible, unmatched values are replaced with np.nan.
  • _missing (optional) If supplied, any missing values in .x will be replacedby this value.
  • **kwargs replacements
  • x A vector to modify
Returns (Any)

The vector with values replaced


datar.apis.dplyr.recode_factor(_x, *args, _default=None, _missing=None, _ordered=False, **kwargs)

Recode a factor, replacing levels in it

  • *args and
  • _default (optional) If supplied, all values not otherwise matched will begiven this value. If not supplied and if the replacements are the same type as the original values in series, unmatched values are not changed. If not supplied and if the replacements are not compatible, unmatched values are replaced with np.nan.
  • _missing (optional) If supplied, any missing values in .x will be replacedby this value.
  • _ordered (bool, optional) If True, the factor will be ordered
  • **kwargs replacements
  • x A factor to modify
Returns (Any)

The factor with levels replaced


datar.apis.dplyr.relocate(_data, *args, _before=None, _after=None, **kwargs)

change column positions

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • *args and
  • _before (int | str, optional) and
  • _after (int | str, optional) Destination. Supplying neither will move columns tothe left-hand side; specifying both is an error.
  • **kwargs Columns to rename and move
Returns (Any)

An object of the same type as .data. The output has the followingproperties:

  • - Rows are not affected.
  • - The same columns appear in the output, but (usually) in a
      different place.
  • - Data frame attributes are preserved.
  • - Groups are not affected


datar.apis.dplyr.rename(_data, **kwargs)

Rename columns

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • **kwargs Columns to rename
Returns (Any)

The dataframe with new names


datar.apis.dplyr.rename_with(_data, _fn, *args, **kwargs)

Rename columns with a function

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • _fn A function to apply to column names
  • *args the columns to rename and non-keyword arguments for the _fn.If *args is not provided, then assuming all columns, and no non-keyword arguments are allowed to pass to the function, use keyword arguments instead.
  • **kwargs keyword arguments for _fn
Returns (Any)

The dataframe with new names


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_insert(x, y, by=None, conflict='error', **kwargs)

Insert rows from y into x

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) An unnamed character vector giving the key columns.The key columns must exist in both x and y. Keys typically uniquely identify each row, but this is only enforced for the key values of y By default, we use the first column in y, since the first column is a reasonable place to put an identifier variable.
  • conflict (str, optional) How to handle conflicts
    • - "error": Throw an error
    • - "ignore": Ignore conflicts
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with all existing rows and potentially new rows


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_update(x, y, by=None, unmatched='error', **kwargs)

Update rows in x with values from y

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) An unnamed character vector giving the key columns.The key columns must exist in both x and y. Keys typically uniquely identify each row, but this is only enforced for the key values of y By default, we use the first column in y, since the first column is a reasonable place to put an identifier variable.
  • unmatched (str, optional) how should keys in y that are unmatched by the keysin x be handled? One of - "error", the default, will error if there are any keys in y that are unmatched by the keys in x. "ignore" will ignore rows in y with keys that are unmatched by the keys in x.
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with all existing rows and potentially new rows


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_patch(x, y, by=None, unmatched='error', **kwargs)

Patch rows in x with values from y

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) An unnamed character vector giving the key columns.The key columns must exist in both x and y. Keys typically uniquely identify each row, but this is only enforced for the key values of y By default, we use the first column in y, since the first column is a reasonable place to put an identifier variable.
  • unmatched (str, optional) how should keys in y that are unmatched by the keysin x be handled? One of - "error", the default, will error if there are any keys in y that are unmatched by the keys in x. "ignore" will ignore rows in y with keys that are unmatched by the keys in x.
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with NA values overwritten and the number of rows preserved


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_upsert(x, y, by=None, **kwargs)

Upsert rows in x with values from y

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) An unnamed character vector giving the key columns.The key columns must exist in both x and y. Keys typically uniquely identify each row, but this is only enforced for the key values of y By default, we use the first column in y, since the first column is a reasonable place to put an identifier variable.
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with inserted or updated depending on whether or notthe key value in y already exists in x. Key values in y must be unique.


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_delete(x, y, by=None, unmatched='error', **kwargs)

Delete rows in x that match keys in y

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • by (optional) An unnamed character vector giving the key columns.The key columns must exist in both x and y. Keys typically uniquely identify each row, but this is only enforced for the key values of y By default, we use the first column in y, since the first column is a reasonable place to put an identifier variable.
  • unmatched (str, optional) how should keys in y that are unmatched by the keysin x be handled? One of - "error", the default, will error if there are any keys in y that are unmatched by the keys in x. "ignore" will ignore rows in y with keys that are unmatched by the keys in x.
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with rows deleted


datar.apis.dplyr.rows_append(x, y, **kwargs)

Append rows in y to x

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
  • **kwargs Additional arguments to pass to the backend, such ascopy and in_place. Depends on the backend implementation.
Returns (Any)

A data frame with rows appended

function, *args, **kwargs)

Select columns from a data frame.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • *args A list of columns to select
  • **kwargs A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

A data frame with only the selected columns


datar.apis.dplyr.union_all(x, y)

Combine two data frames together.

See original API

  • x A data frame
  • y A data frame
Returns (Any)

A data frame with rows from x and y


datar.apis.dplyr.summarise(_data, *args, _groups=None, **kwargs)

Summarise a data frame.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • *args and
  • _groups (str, optional) Grouping structure of the result.
    • - "drop_last": dropping the last level of grouping.
    • - "drop": All levels of grouping are dropped.
    • - "keep": Same grouping structure as _data.
    • - "rowwise": Each row is its own group.
  • **kwargs Name-value pairs, where value is the summarizeddata for each group
Returns (Any)

A data frame with the summarised columns


datar.apis.dplyr.where(_data, fn)

Selects the variables for which a function returns True.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • fn (Callable) A function that returns True or False.Currently it has to be `register_func/func_factory registered function purrr-like formula not supported yet.
Returns (Any)

The matched columns



Select all variables.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
Returns (Any)

All columns


datar.apis.dplyr.last_col(_data, offset=0, vars=None)

Select the last column.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • offset (int, optional) The offset of the last column
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The last column


datar.apis.dplyr.starts_with(_data, match, ignore_case=True, vars=None)

Select columns that start with a string.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • match The string to match
  • ignore_case (bool, optional) Ignore case when matching
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The matched columns


datar.apis.dplyr.ends_with(_data, match, ignore_case=True, vars=None)

Select columns that end with a string.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • match The string to match
  • ignore_case (bool, optional) Ignore case when matching
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The matched columns


datar.apis.dplyr.contains(_data, match, ignore_case=True, vars=None)

Select columns that contain a string.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • match The string to match
  • ignore_case (bool, optional) Ignore case when matching
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The matched columns


datar.apis.dplyr.matches(_data, match, ignore_case=True, vars=None)

Select columns that match a regular expression.

See original API

  • _data A data frame
  • match The regular expression to match
  • ignore_case (bool, optional) Ignore case when matching
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The matched columns


datar.apis.dplyr.num_range(prefix, range_, width=None)

Matches a numerical range like x01, x02, x03.

  • prefix (str) A prefix that starts the numeric range.
  • range_ A sequence of integers, like range(3) (produces 0,1,2).
  • width (int, optional) Optionally, the "width" of the numeric range.For example, a range of 2 gives "01", a range of three "001", etc.
  • _data The data piped in
Returns (Any)

A list of ranges with prefix.


datar.apis.dplyr.all_of(_data, x)

For strict selection.

If any of the variables in the character vector is missing, an error is thrown.

  • _data The data piped in
  • x A set of variables to match the columns
Returns (Any)

The matched column names

  • ColumnNotExistingError When any of the elements in x does not existin _data columns

datar.apis.dplyr.any_of(_data, x, vars=None)

For strict selection.

If any of the variables in the character vector is missing, an error is thrown.

  • _data The data piped in
  • x A set of variables to match the columns
  • vars (optional) A list of columns to select
Returns (Any)

The matched column names

  • ColumnNotExistingError When any of the elements in x does not existin _data columns