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The datar package is a collection of APIs that are ported from a bunch of R packages. The APIs are implemented in a backend-agnostic way, so that they can be used with different backends. Currently, datar supports the following backends:

  • numpy: Mostly the implementations of functions from datar.base.
  • pandas: Implementations using pandas as backend.

Installation of a backend

pip install -U datar[<pandas>]

Using desired backends

You can install multiple backends, but can use a subset of them.

from datar import options


# Import the API functions then

Writing a backend

A backend is supposed to implement as a Simplug plugin. There are a hooks to be implemented.


  • setup(): calleed before any API is imported. You can do some setup here.
  • get_versions(): return a dict of versions of the dependencies of the backend. The keys are the names of the packages, and the values are the versions.
  • load_dataset(name: str, metadata: Mapping): load a dataset, which can be loaded using from import <dataset>.
  • base_api(): load the implementation of datar.apis.base.
  • dplyr_api(): load the implementation of datar.apis.dplyr.
  • tibble_api(): load the implementation of datar.apis.tibble.
  • forcats_api(): load the implementation of datar.apis.forcats.
  • tidyr_api(): load the implementation of datar.apis.tidyr.
  • other_api(): load other backend-specific APIs.
  • c_getitem(item): load the implementation of datar.base.c.__getitem__ (c[...]).
  • operate(op: str, x: Any, y: Any = None): load the implementation of the operators.

Seleting a backend at runtime

You can use __backend to select a backend at runtime.

from datar.tibble import tibble

tibble(..., __backend="pandas")

Selecting a backend for operators

If you have multiple backends installed, you can select a backend for operators.

from datar.core.operator import DatarOperator

DatarOperator.backend = "pandas"

# Or use the context manager
with DatarOperator.with_backend("pandas"):
    data >> mutate(z=f.x + f.y)

Selecting a backend for c[]

from datar.base import c

c.backend = "pandas"

# Or use the context manager
with c.with_backend("pandas"):
    data >> mutate(z=c[1:3])

Selecting a backend for numpy ufuncs

from datar.apis.other import array_ufunc

array_ufunc.backend = "pandas"

# Or use the context manager
with array_ufunc.with_backend("pandas"):
    data >> mutate(z=np.sin(f.x))