Visualize Enrichment
Visualize enrichment (over-representation) analysis results
- enrich
Enrichment object from RunEnrichment
- outprefix
Prefix of the output file
- devpars
List of parameters to save the plot
- more_formats
Additional formats to save the plot in addition to 'png'
- save_code
Whether to save the code to reproduce the plot
- ...
Additional arguments to pass to the plot function scplotter::EnrichmentPlot
# \donttest{
degs <- suppressWarnings(RunSeuratDEAnalysis(SeuratObject::pbmc_small, "groups", "g1", "g2"))
enrich <- RunEnrichment(degs, deg = "abs(avg_log2FC) > 1")
#> Connection changed to
#> Connection is Live!
#> Uploading data to Enrichr... Uploading data to Enrichr...
#> Error in f(init, x[[i]]): is.request(y) is not TRUE
#> Error: object 'enrich' not found
VizEnrich(enrich, plot_type = "dot")
#> Error: object 'enrich' not found
VizEnrich(enrich, plot_type = "lollipop")
#> Error: object 'enrich' not found
VizEnrich(enrich, plot_type = "network")
#> Error: object 'enrich' not found
# VizEnrich(enrich, plot_type = "enrichmap")
# VizEnrich(enrich, plot_type = "wordcloud")
# }