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Command-line arguments

Command-line arguments

  vcfstats v0.2.0: Powerful VCF statistics.

  vcfstats --vcf PATH --outdir AUTO --formula LIST --title LIST [OPTIONS]

  -v, --vcf <PATH>          - The VCF file.
  -o, --outdir <AUTO>       - The output directory.
  -f, --formula <LIST>      - The formulas for plotting in format of Y ~ X,
                              where Y and X should be either an entry or an
  --title <LIST>            - The title of each figure, will be used to name the
                              output files as well.

  --loglevel <STR>          - The logging level. Default: info
  --figtype <LIST>          - Your preferences for type of plot for each
                              formula. Default: \[]
  --figfmt <LIST>           - Your preferences for format of figure for each
                              formula, Any file format supported by matplotlib.
                              Default is png. Default: \[]
  -r, --region <LIST>       - Regions in format of CHR or CHR:START-END
                              Default: \[]
  -R, --Region <AUTO>       - Regions in a BED file. If both --region/--Region
                              are provided, regions will be merged together.
                              Default: None
  -p, --passed [BOOL]       - Only analyze variants that pass all filters.
                              This does not work if FILTER entry is in the
                              Default: False
  -l, --list [BOOL]         - List all available macros. Default: False
  -s, --savedata [BOOL]     - Whether save the plotting data for further
                              exploration. Default: False
  --macro <PATH>            - A user-defined macro file. Default: None
  --ggs <LIST>              - Extra ggplot2 expressions for each plot
                              Default: \[]
  --devpars <NS>            - The device parameters for plots. To specify
                              devpars for each plot, use a configuration file.
  -c, --config <AUTO>       - A configuration file defining how to plot in TOML
                              If this is provided, CLI arguments will be
                              overwritten if defined in this file. Default: None
  -h, --help                - Print help information for this command

  --devpars.width <INT>     - The width of the plot Default: 2000
  --devpars.height <INT>    - The height of the plot Default: 2000
  --devpars.res <INT>       - The resolution of the plot Default: 300
  • You can specify regions using -r/--region and/or -R/--Region, however, you have to make sure regions are not overlapping, otherwise, variants in the overlapping regions will be redundant in the calculations.

  • To define you macros, you'd better use docstr, so that you can use -l/--list to check out your macros

  • You can generate multiple plots in one run. Just specify multiple formulas and multiple titles. For example:

    vcfstats --vcf examples/sample.vcf \
    	--outdir vcfstats-out \
    	--formula 'DEPTHs{0} ~ CHROM' 'AAF ~ CHROM' \
    	--title 'Depth distribution on each chromosome' 'Allele frequency distribution on each chromosome'

  • You can also specify different figure types for different plots. If you want to keep ones as default, you can pass an empty string. For example:

    vcfstats --vcf examples/sample.vcf \
    	--outdir vcfstats-out \
    	--formula 'DEPTHs{0} ~ CHROM' 'AAF ~ CHROM' \
    	--title 'Depth distribution on each chromosome' 'Allele frequency distribution on each chromosome' \
    	--figtype '' boxplot # using boxplot instead of violin for 2nd plot

  • Similar as --figtype, you can also use --ggs to modify the plots generated by ggplot2. Please refer to ggplot2 documentation.

  • However, for --devpars, you can only specify a universal parameters. To change each sub-parameter of it, you can do --devpars.res 70

  • To specify different devpars for different plots, you have to use a configuration file. Please refer to seciont Configuration file

  • To specify --ggs for multiple plots, you can do --ggs "theme_minimal()" "theme_dark()". If you have multiple ggs for the same plot, you need ; to seaprate them: --ggs "theme_minimal(); ylab('Count')" "theme_dark(); xlab('ABC')"