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The context defines how a reference (f.A, f['A'], f.A.B is evaluated)


This context evaluates the references directly. For example, if data is {"a": 1}, f["a"] will be evaluted into 1.

from pipda import register_verb, Context

@register_verb(dict, context=Context.EVAL)
def mutate(data, **kwargs):
    data = data.copy()
    return data

{"a": 1} >> mutate(b=f["a"] * 2)  # {"a": 1, "b": 2}


This context evaluates the references into the attribute names or subscripts themselves. This, for f.key works sometimes as a shortcut for "key".

@register_verb(dict, context=Context.SELECT)
def select(data, *keys):
    return {key: val for key, val in data.items() if key in keys}

{"a": 1, "b": 2} >> select(f.a)  # {"a": 1}


This remains expressions un-evaluated so that they get passed into the function and evaluted later inside the function.

from pipda import Context, register_verb, evaluate_expr

@register_verb(dict, context=Context.PENDING)
def mutate(data, **kwargs):
    # kwargs is holding expressions
    kwargs = evaluate_expr(kwargs, data, Context.EVAL)
    data = data.copy()
    return data

{"a": 1} >> mutate(b=f["a"] * 2)  # {"a": 1, "b": 2}

Customizing a context

You can write your own context by subclassing ContextBase. Overwrite the following methods to define the behaviors:

  • getattr: How to evaluate f.A
  • getitem: How to evaluate f["A"]
  • ref (property): How to evaluate x in f[x]
from pipda import Context, ContextBase, register_verb

class MyContext(ContextBase):
    def getattr(self, parent, ref, level):
        # f.A -> level 1
        # f.A.B -> level 2
        return parent[ref]

    def getitem(self, parent, ref, level):
        return ref

@register_verb(dict, context=MyContext())
def subset_and_update(data, *cols, **kwargs):
    data = {key: val for key, val in data.items() if key in cols}
    return data

{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} >> subset_and_update(f.a, f.b, a=f.c)
# {"a": 3, "b": 2}


Note that for Context.PENDING, we need to subclass context.ContextPending to keep expressions unevaluated.

Contexts for keyword arguments

We can set extra contexts for keyword arguments.

    kw_context={"cols": Context.SELECT},
def subset_and_update(data, *, cols, **kwargs):
    data = {key: val for key, val in data.items() if key in cols}
    return data

{"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3} >> subset_and_update(f.a, f.b, a=f.c)
# {"a": 3, "b": 2}


By default, the context is None, the expressions, including FunctionCall and VerbCall objects, will be awaiting next coming avaiable context to evaluate


When registering another type(s) for a verb, contexts and extra contexts are inherited for the first ones that registered with register_verb


Each implementation for the registered verbs or functions can have its own contexts. Specify them when registering the implementations.

<verb>.register(..., context=..., kw_context=...)
<func>.register(..., context=..., kw_context=...)