r"""Regular expressions for humans
Predefined patterns:
START = Raw("^", entire=True)
START_OF_STRING = Raw(r"\A", entire=True)
END = Raw("$", entire=True)
END_OF_STRING = Raw(r"\Z", entire=True)
NUMBER = DIGIT = Raw(r"\d", entire=True)
NUMBERS = DIGITS = Raw(r"\d+", entire=True)
MAYBE_NUMBERS = MAYBE_DIGITS = Raw(r"\d*", entire=True)
NON_NUMBER = NON_DIGIT = Raw(r"\D", entire=True)
WORD = Raw(r"\w", entire=True)
WORDS = Raw(r"\w+", entire=True)
MAYBE_WORDS = Raw(r"\w*", entire=True)
NON_WORD = Raw(r"\W", entire=True)
WORD_BOUNDARY = Raw(r"\b", entire=True)
NON_WORD_BOUNDARY = Raw(r"\B", entire=True)
WHITESPACE = Raw(r"\s", entire=True)
WHITESPACES = Raw(r"\s+", entire=True)
MAYBE_WHITESPACES = Raw(r"\s*", entire=True)
NON_WHITESPACE = Raw(r"\S", entire=True)
SPACE = Raw(" ", entire=True)
SPACES = Raw(" +", entire=True)
MAYBE_SPACES = Raw(" *", entire=True)
TAB = Raw(r"\t", entire=True)
DOT = Raw(r"\.", entire=True)
ANYCHAR = Raw(".", entire=True)
ANYCHARS = Raw(".+", entire=True)
MAYBE_ANYCHARS = Raw(".*", entire=True)
LETTER = Raw("[a-zA-Z]", entire=True)
LETTERS = Raw("[a-zA-Z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_LETTERS = Raw("[a-zA-Z]*", entire=True)
LOWERCASE = Raw("[a-z]", entire=True)
LOWERCASES = Raw("[a-z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_LOWERCASES = Raw("[a-z]*", entire=True)
UPPERCASE = Raw("[A-Z]", entire=True)
UPPERCASES = Raw("[A-Z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_UPPERCASES = Raw("[A-Z]*", entire=True)
ALNUM = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]", entire=True)
ALNUMS = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_ALNUMS = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]*", entire=True)
from __future__ import annotations
import re
from abc import ABC, abstractproperty
from typing import Sequence, Union
SegmentType = Union["Segment", str]
def _flags_to_str(flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str]) -> str:
"""Convert a set of flags to a string
>>> _flags_to_str(re.IGNORECASE) # 'i'
>>> _flags_to_str(re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) # 'im'
if flags is None:
return ""
if isinstance(flags, Sequence) and not isinstance(flags, str):
return "".join(_flags_to_str(flag) for flag in flags)
if isinstance(flags, int):
out = []
if flags & re.A:
if flags & re.I:
if flags & re.L:
if flags & re.M:
if flags & re.S:
if flags & re.U:
if flags & re.X:
return "".join(out)
# str
if any(c not in "aiLmsux" for c in flags):
raise ValueError(
f"Invalid flag: {flags}, must be a subset of 'aiLmsux'"
return flags
class Segment(ABC):DOCS
"""Segments of a regular expression
NONCAPTURING_WRAPPING: Whether we should wrap the segment with brackets
when `capture` is `False`.
In some cases, for example, `(abc)+` is already an entire group, it
won't confuse the parser when it comes with other segments, such as
`(abc)+d`. We don't need an extra brackets to separate it from other
segments. However, we need brackets for other segments, such as
`a|b|c`, because `a|b|cd` will confuse the parser. In such a case,
we need `(?:a|b|c)d` if we don't need to capture the segment.
args: Another segments to be wrapped by this one.
capture: The name of the capture, False to disable capturing and
True to capture without name.
flags: The flags to be used when compiling this segment.
deflags: Remove the flags from `re.compile()` while compiling
this segment.
__slots__ = ("args", "capture", "flags")
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
capture: bool | str = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if isinstance(capture, str) and not capture.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid capture name: {capture}")
flags = _flags_to_str(flags)
deflags = _flags_to_str(deflags)
for flag in flags:
if flag in deflags:
raise ValueError(
f"Flag `{flag}` turned on and off"
if deflags:
deflags = f"-{deflags}"
self.args = args
self.capture = capture
self.flags = f"{flags}{deflags}"
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
"""Stringify this segment, without capturing/non-capturing brackets
str: The stringified segment.
return "".join(
str(part) if isinstance(part, Segment) else re.escape(part)
for part in self.args
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
"""Pretty string representation of this segment, without
capturing/non-capturing brackets
out = []
for arg in self.args:
if isinstance(arg, Segment):
out.append(arg.pretty(indent, 0))
else: # str
return "\n".join(out)
def pretty(self, indent: str, level: int) -> str:DOCS
"""Pretty print this segment, depending on `capture`
indent: The indent string.
level: The indent level.
arg = self._pretty_raw(indent)
if (
not self.capture
and not self.flags
return "\n".join(
f"{indent * level}{line}" for line in arg.splitlines()
capture_start = (
"(" if self.capture is True
else f"(?P<{self.capture}>" if self.capture
else ""
capture_end = ")" if self.capture else ""
flags_start = f"(?{self.flags}:" if self.flags else ""
flags_end = ")" if self.flags else ""
if self.capture:
start = f"{indent * level}{capture_start}{flags_start}"
end = f"{indent * level}{flags_end}{capture_end}"
elif self.__class__.NONCAPTURING_WRAPPING and not self.flags:
start = f"{indent * level}(?:"
end = f"{indent * level})"
else: # self.flags not ""
start = f"{indent * level}{flags_start}"
end = f"{indent * level}{flags_end}"
if "\n" not in arg:
return "".join((start, arg, end))
return "\n".join(
f"{indent * (level + 1)}{line}"
for line in arg.splitlines()
def __str__(self) -> str:DOCS
"""String representation of this segment, depending on
The final string representation of this segment.
arg = self._str_raw()
flags_start = f"(?{self.flags}:" if self.flags else ""
flags_end = ")" if self.flags else ""
arg = f"{flags_start}{arg}{flags_end}"
if self.capture is True:
return f"({arg})"
if self.capture:
return f"(?P<{self.capture}>{arg})"
if self.__class__.NONCAPTURING_WRAPPING and not self.flags:
return f"(?:{arg})"
return arg
# Character classes
class CharClass(Segment, ABC):DOCS
"""Used to indicat a set of characters wrapped by `[]`"""
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return self._str_raw()
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
"""Stringify this segment, without capturing/non-capturing brackets
str: The stringified segment.
return "".join(
str(part) if isinstance(part, Segment) else str(part)
for part in self.args
class OneOfChars(CharClass):DOCS
"""Positive character set `[...]`"""
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return f"[{super()._str_raw()}]"
class NoneOfChars(CharClass):DOCS
"""Negative character set `[^...]`"""
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return f"[^{super()._str_raw()}]"
# Look ahead/behind
class Look(Segment, ABC):DOCS
"""Look ahead or behind"""
PREFIX = "?="
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return f"({self.__class__.PREFIX}{super()._str_raw()})"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
prettied = super()._pretty_raw(indent)
if "\n" not in prettied:
return f"({self.__class__.PREFIX}{prettied})"
return "\n".join([
*(f"{indent}{line}" for line in prettied.splitlines()),
class LookAhead(Look):DOCS
"""Look ahead `(?=...)`"""
class LookBehind(Look):DOCS
"""Look behind `(?<=...)`"""
PREFIX = "?<="
class LookAheadNot(Look):DOCS
"""Look ahead not `(?!...)`"""
PREFIX = "?!"
class LookBehindNot(Look):DOCS
"""Look behind not `(?<!...)`"""
PREFIX = "?<!"
# Quantifiers
class Quantifier(Segment, ABC):DOCS
"""Quantifier `+`, `*`, `?`, `{m}` or `{m,n}`"""
__slots__ = ("lazy",)
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
lazy: bool = False,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
self.lazy = lazy
def _quantifier(self) -> str:
"""The quantifier to quantify the pattern"""
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
qmark = "?" if self.lazy else ""
if (
len(self.args) > 1
or (
isinstance(self.args[0], str)
and len(self.args[0]) > 1
or (
isinstance(self.args[0], Raw)
and not self.args[0].entire
and not self.args[0].capture
or (
isinstance(self.args[0], Segment)
and not isinstance(
self.args[0], (Raw, Capture, Captured, CharClass)
and not self.args[0].NONCAPTURING_WRAPPING
and not self.args[0].capture
return f"(?:{super()._str_raw()}){self._quantifier}{qmark}"
return f"{super()._str_raw()}{self._quantifier}{qmark}"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return self._str_raw()
class ZeroOrMore(Quantifier):DOCS
"""`*` zero or more times"""
_quantifier = "*"
class OneOrMore(Quantifier):DOCS
"""`+` one or more times"""
_quantifier = "+"
class Maybe(Quantifier):DOCS
"""`?` zero or one times"""
_quantifier = "?"
class Repeat(Quantifier):DOCS
"""Match from `m` to `n` repetitions `{m,n}` or `{m,}`"""
__slots__ = ("m", "n")
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
m: int,
n: int = None,
lazy: bool = False,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if m < 0:
raise ValueError("`m` must be positive for `Repeat`")
if n is not None and n < m:
raise ValueError(
"`n` must be greater than or equal to `m` for `Repeat`"
self.m = m
self.n = n
def _quantifier(self) -> str:
n = "" if self.n is None else self.n
return f"{{{self.m},{n}}}"
class RepeatExact(Quantifier):DOCS
"""Match exact `m` repetitions `{m}`"""
__slots__ = ("m",)
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
m: int,
lazy: bool = False,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if m <= 0:
raise ValueError("`m` must be greater than 0 for `Repeat`")
self.m = m
def _quantifier(self) -> str:
return f"{{{self.m}}}"
class Lazy(Segment):DOCS
"""Non-greedy modifier `+?`, `*?`, `??`, `{m,}?` or `{m,n}?`"""
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if len(args) != 1:
raise ValueError("`Lazy` must have exactly one positional argument")
if (
not isinstance(args[0], Quantifier)
and not (
isinstance(args[0], Raw)
and not (
isinstance(args[0], str)
and (
args[0][-1] in ("+", "*", "?")
or re.match(r"\{\d+(?:,\d+)?\}", args[0])
raise ValueError("`Lazy` must be applied to a quantifier")
super().__init__(*args, capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return f"{super()._str_raw()}?"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return f"{super()._pretty_raw(indent)}?"
class Flag(Segment):DOCS
"""Flag `(?aiLmsux)`"""
def __init__(self, *args: str | int) -> None:
transformed_args = _flags_to_str(args)
super().__init__(transformed_args, capture=False)
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return f"(?{super()._str_raw()})"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return self._str_raw()
class InlineFlag(Segment):DOCS
"""Inline flag `(?aiLmsux-imsx:...)`"""
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
capture: bool | str = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if flags is None and deflags is None:
raise ValueError("`InlineFlag` must have `flags` or `deflags`")
*args, capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags,
class Raw(Segment):DOCS
"""Raw strings without escaping"""
__slots__ = ("entire",)
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
capture: bool = False,
entire: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if not all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in args):
raise ValueError("`Raw` must be applied to strings.")
super().__init__(*args, capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
self.entire = entire
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return "".join(str(part) for part in self.args)
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return self._str_raw()
# Other segments
class Or(Segment):DOCS
"""`|` connected segments"""
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
return "|".join(str(part) for part in self.args)
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
"""Pretty string representation of this segment, without
capturing/non-capturing brackets
out = []
has_newline = False
for arg in self.args:
if isinstance(arg, Segment):
pretty_str = arg.pretty(indent, 0)
pretty_str = str(arg)
if "\n" in pretty_str:
has_newline = True
if not has_newline:
return "|".join(out)
return "\n|".join(out)
# Capture/non-capture
class Capture(Segment):DOCS
"""Capture a match `(...)`"""
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
name: bool | str = None,
capture: bool | str = None,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if name is None and capture is None:
capture = True
elif capture is None:
capture = name
assert capture is not False
super().__init__(*args, capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
class NonCapture(Segment):DOCS
"""Non-capturing grouping `(?:...)`"""
def __init__(
*args: SegmentType,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
super().__init__(*args, capture=False, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
class Concat(Segment):DOCS
"""Concatenate segments"""
class Conditional(Segment):DOCS
"""`(?(...)yes|no)` conditional pattern"""
__slots__ = ("id_or_name", "yes", "no")
def __init__(
id_or_name: Captured | str | int,
yes: SegmentType,
no: SegmentType = None,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if isinstance(capture, str) and not capture.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid capture name: {capture}")
if isinstance(id_or_name, str) and not id_or_name.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid id or name: {id_or_name}")
self.id_or_name = id_or_name
self.yes = re.escape(yes) if isinstance(yes, str) else yes
self.no = re.escape(no) if isinstance(no, str) else no
super().__init__(capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
id_or_name = (
if isinstance(self.id_or_name, Captured)
else self.id_or_name
no = f"|{self.no}" if self.no else ""
return f"(?({id_or_name}){self.yes}{no})"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
id_or_name = (
if isinstance(self.id_or_name, Captured)
else self.id_or_name
yes = (
self.yes.pretty(indent, 0)
if isinstance(self.yes, Segment)
else str(self.yes)
no = (
"" if not self.no
else f"|{self.no.pretty(indent, 0)}"
if isinstance(self.no, Segment)
else f"|{self.no}"
if "\n" in yes or "\n" in no:
yes = "\n".join(f"{indent}{line}" for line in yes.split("\n"))
no = "\n".join(f"{indent}{line}" for line in no.split("\n"))
return f"(?({id_or_name})\n{yes}\n{no}\n)"
return f"(?({id_or_name}){yes}{no})"
class Captured(Segment):DOCS
"""`(?P=name)` captured group or \\1, \\2, ..."""
__slots__ = ("id_or_name",)
def __init__(
id_or_name: str | int,
capture: bool = False,
flags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
deflags: int | str | Sequence[int | str] = None,
) -> None:
if isinstance(capture, str) and not capture.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid capture name: {capture}")
if isinstance(id_or_name, str) and not id_or_name.isidentifier():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid id or name: {id_or_name}")
self.id_or_name = id_or_name
super().__init__(capture=capture, flags=flags, deflags=deflags)
def _str_raw(self) -> str:
if isinstance(self.id_or_name, str):
return f"(?P={self.id_or_name})"
return f"\\{self.id_or_name}"
def _pretty_raw(self, indent: str) -> str:
return self._str_raw()
# Predefined patterns
START = Raw("^", entire=True)
START_OF_STRING = Raw(r"\A", entire=True)
END = Raw("$", entire=True)
END_OF_STRING = Raw(r"\Z", entire=True)
NUMBER = DIGIT = Raw(r"\d", entire=True)
NUMBERS = DIGITS = Raw(r"\d+", entire=True)
MAYBE_NUMBERS = MAYBE_DIGITS = Raw(r"\d*", entire=True)
NON_NUMBER = NON_DIGIT = Raw(r"\D", entire=True)
WORD = Raw(r"\w", entire=True)
WORDS = Raw(r"\w+", entire=True)
MAYBE_WORDS = Raw(r"\w*", entire=True)
NON_WORD = Raw(r"\W", entire=True)
WORD_BOUNDARY = Raw(r"\b", entire=True)
NON_WORD_BOUNDARY = Raw(r"\B", entire=True)
WHITESPACE = Raw(r"\s", entire=True)
WHITESPACES = Raw(r"\s+", entire=True)
MAYBE_WHITESPACES = Raw(r"\s*", entire=True)
NON_WHITESPACE = Raw(r"\S", entire=True)
SPACE = Raw(" ", entire=True)
SPACES = Raw(" +", entire=True)
MAYBE_SPACES = Raw(" *", entire=True)
TAB = Raw(r"\t", entire=True)
DOT = Raw(r"\.", entire=True)
ANYCHAR = Raw(".", entire=True)
ANYCHARS = Raw(".+", entire=True)
MAYBE_ANYCHARS = Raw(".*", entire=True)
LETTER = Raw("[a-zA-Z]", entire=True)
LETTERS = Raw("[a-zA-Z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_LETTERS = Raw("[a-zA-Z]*", entire=True)
LOWERCASE = Raw("[a-z]", entire=True)
LOWERCASES = Raw("[a-z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_LOWERCASES = Raw("[a-z]*", entire=True)
UPPERCASE = Raw("[A-Z]", entire=True)
UPPERCASES = Raw("[A-Z]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_UPPERCASES = Raw("[A-Z]*", entire=True)
ALNUM = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]", entire=True)
ALNUMS = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]+", entire=True)
MAYBE_ALNUMS = Raw("[a-zA-Z0-9]*", entire=True)
# Main class
class Regexr(str):DOCS
"""The entrance of the package to compose a regular expression
It is actually a subclass of `str`, but with an extra method `compile`,
which compiles the regular expression and returns a `re.Pattern` object.
*segments: The segments of the regular expression.
When composing the regular expression, the segments are concatenated
__slots__ = ("_segments",)
def __new__(cls, *segments: SegmentType) -> Regexr:
if (
any(isinstance(part, Flag) for part in segments)
and not isinstance(segments[0], Flag)
raise ValueError("Flags must be the first segment.")
regexr = str.__new__(
re.escape(part) if isinstance(part, str) else str(part)
for part in segments
regexr._segments = segments # type: ignore
return regexr
def compile(self, flags: int = 0) -> re.Pattern:DOCS
"""Compile the regular expression and return a `re.Pattern` object
See also `re.compile()`
flags: The flags to be used when compiling the regular expression.
return re.compile(self, flags=flags)
def pretty(self, indent: str = " ") -> str:DOCS
"""Pretty print the regular expression"""
return "\n".join(
part.pretty(indent, level=0)
if isinstance(part, Segment)
else re.escape(part)
for part in self._segments # type: ignore
def __repr__(self) -> str:DOCS
"""String representation of this regular expression"""
return f"<Regexr: r'{self}'>"