"""Provides guides"""
import hashlib
from warnings import warn
from matplotlib.ticker import NullLocator
from plotnine.guides.guide import guide
from plotnine.exceptions import PlotnineWarning
class guide_prism_offset(guide):DOCS
"""The prism offset guide that offset the axes"""
offset = 20
aesthetic = None
hash = None
available_aes = {"x", "y"}
def train(self, scale, aesthetic=None):DOCS
"""Get arguments from the scale"""
if aesthetic is None:
aesthetic = scale.aesthetics[0]
# Do nothing if scales are inappropriate
if set(scale.aesthetics) & self.available_aes == 0:
f"'{self.__class__.__name__}' needs appropriate scales.",
return None
self.aesthetic = list(set(scale.aesthetics) & self.available_aes)[0]
info = "\n".join([self.title, self.__class__.__name__])
self.hash = hashlib.md5(info.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
return self
def create_geoms(self, plot):DOCS
"""Apply the arguments"""
xaxis_position = plot.axs[0].xaxis.get_label_position()
yaxis_position = plot.axs[0].yaxis.get_label_position()
gca = plot.axs[0].axes
if self.aesthetic == "x":
major_locs = gca.get_xticks()
minor_locs = gca.get_xticks(minor=True)
if yaxis_position == "left":
offset = (
if major_locs[0] > minor_locs[0]
else self.offset / 2
offset = (
if major_locs[-1] < minor_locs[-1]
else self.offset / 2
gca.spines[yaxis_position].set_position(("outward", offset))
gca.set_xlim(min(major_locs), max(major_locs))
major_locs = gca.get_yticks()
minor_locs = gca.get_yticks(minor=True)
if xaxis_position == "bottom":
offset = (
if len(minor_locs) > 0 and major_locs[0] > minor_locs[0]
else self.offset / 2
offset = (
if len(minor_locs) > 0 and major_locs[-1] < minor_locs[-1]
else self.offset / 2
gca.spines[xaxis_position].set_position(("outward", offset))
gca.set_ylim(min(major_locs), max(major_locs))
def merge(self, other):DOCS
"""Simply discards the other guide"""
return self
def draw(self):DOCS
"""Nothing to do"""
class guide_prism(guide_prism_offset):DOCS
"""The prism offset guide that hides the minor ticks"""
available_aes = {"x", "y"}
def create_geoms(self, plot):DOCS
"""Apply the arguments"""
gca = plot.axs[0].axes
if self.aesthetic == "x":
class guide_prism_minor(guide_prism_offset):DOCS
"""The prism offset guide that shows the minor ticks"""
available_aes = {"x", "y"}
def create_geoms(self, plot):DOCS
"""Apply the arguments"""
class guide_prism_offset_minor(guide_prism_offset):DOCS
"""The prism offset guide that shows the minor ticks with offset"""
def create_geoms(self, plot):DOCS
"""Apply the arguments"""
xaxis_position = plot.axs[0].xaxis.get_label_position()
yaxis_position = plot.axs[0].yaxis.get_label_position()
gca = plot.axs[0].axes
if self.aesthetic == "x":
gca.spines[yaxis_position].set_position(("outward", self.offset))
major_locs = gca.get_xticks()
minor_locs = gca.xaxis.get_minorticklocs()
min_loc = min(min(major_locs), min(minor_locs))
max_loc = max(max(major_locs), max(minor_locs))
gca.set_xlim(min_loc, max_loc)
gca.spines[xaxis_position].set_position(("outward", self.offset))
major_locs = gca.get_yticks()
minor_locs = gca.yaxis.get_minorticklocs()
min_loc = min(min(major_locs), min(minor_locs))
max_loc = max(max(major_locs), max(minor_locs))
gca.set_ylim(min_loc, max_loc)
# class AxesBracketDecorator:
# def __init__(self, ax, ticks, size="5%", pad=0.05, spacing=0.05):
# divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
# self.ax = divider.new_vertical(
# size=size,
# pad=pad,
# sharex=ax,
# pack_start=True,
# )
# ax.figure.add_axes(self.ax)
# ax.xaxis.set_visible(False)
# # ax.xaxis.spines['bottom'].set_visible(False)
# # self.ax.tick_params(axis='x', which=u'both', length=0)
# for direction in ["left", "right", "bottom", "top"]:
# self.ax.spines[direction].set_visible(False)
# self.ax.set_yticks([])
# pos = self.ax.get_position()
# self.dist = numpy.mean(numpy.diff(ticks))
# self.spacing = spacing
# # self.curve = self.get_curve()
# for tick in ticks:
# # self.plot_curve(tick)
# pass
# class guide_prism_bracket(guide_prism_offset):
# def create_geoms(self, plot):
# gca = plot.axs[0].axes
# if self.aesthetic == "x":
# AxesBracketDecorator(gca, ticks=gca.get_xticks())
# else:
# AxesBracketDecorator(gca, ticks=gca.get_yticks())