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pipen uses simplug for plugin support. There are very enriched hooks available for you to write your own plugins to extend pipen.

Runtime plugins

Plugin hooks

To implement a function in your plugin, just simply:

from pipen import plugin

[async ]def hook(...):

Note that you have to use keyword-arguments and they have to match the hook signature.

See simplug for more details.

Pipeline-level hooks
  • on_setup(config) (sync):

    Setup for the plugin, mainly used for initalization and set the default values for the plugin configuration items.

    This is only called once even when you have multiple pipelines (Pipen objects) in a python session.

  • on_init(pipen) (async)

    Called when pipeline is initialized. Note that here only default configurations are loaded (from defaults.CONFIG and config files). The configurations from Pipen constructor and the processes are not loaded yet. It's useful for plugins to change the default configurations.

  • on_start(pipen) (async)

    Right before the pipeline starts to run. The process relationships are inferred here. You can access the start processes by pipen.starts and all processes by pipen.procs in the sequence of the execution order.

  • on_complete(pipen, succeeded) (async)

    After all processes finish. succeeded indicates whether all processes/jobs finish successfully.

Process-level hooks
  • on_proc_create(proc) (sync)

    Called before proc get instantiated. Enables plugins to modify the default attributes of processes

  • on_proc_input_computed(proc) (sync)

    Called after process input data is computed.

  • on_proc_script_computed(proc) (sync)

    Called after process script is computed.

    The script is computed as a string that is about to compiled into a template. You can modify the script here.

  • on_proc_init(proc) (async)

    When process object is initialized. Allows plugins to modify the process attributes after initialization, but before the jobs are initialized.

  • on_proc_start(proc) (async)

    When process object initialization completes, including the xqute and job initialization. The output_data is also accessible here. The process is ready to run.

  • on_proc_shutdown(proc, sig) (sync)

    When the process is shut down (i.e. by <ctrl-c>). You can access the signal that shuts the process down by sig. Only first plugin (based on the priority) that implements this hook will get called.

  • on_proc_done(proc, succeeded) (async)

    When a process is done.

Job-level hooks
  • on_job_init(job) (async)

    When a job is initialized

  • on_job_queued(job) (async)

    When a job is queued in xqute. Note it might not be queued yet in the scheduler system.

  • on_job_submitting(job) (async)

    When a job is submitting.

    The first plugin (based on priority) have this hook return False will cancel the submission

  • on_job_submitted(job) (async)

    When a job is submitted in the scheduler system.

  • on_job_started(job) (async)

    When a job starts to run in then scheduler system.

  • on_job_polling(job) (async)

    When status of a job is being polled.

  • on_job_killing(job) (async)

    When a job is being killed.

    The first plugin (based on priority) have this hook return False will cancel the killing

  • on_job_killed(job) (async)

    When a job is killed

  • on_job_succeeded(job) (async)

    When a job completes successfully

  • on_job_cached(job) (async)

    When a job is cached

  • on_job_failed(job) (async)

    When a job is done but failed (i.e. return_code == 1).

  • on_jobcmd_init(job) -> str (sync)

    When the job command wrapper script is initialized before the prescript is run

    This should return a piece of bash code to be inserted in the wrapped job script (template), which is a python template string, with the following variables available: status and job. status is the class JobStatus from and job is the Job instance.

    For multiple plugins, the code will be inserted in the order of the plugin priority.

    The code will replace the #![jobcmd_init] placeholder in the wrapped job script. See also

  • on_jobcmd_prep(job) -> str (sync)

    When the job command right about to be run

    This should return a piece of bash code to be inserted in the wrapped job script (template), which is a python template string, with the following variables available: status and job. status is the class JobStatus from and job is the Job instance.

    The bash variable $cmd is accessible in the context. It is also possible to modify the cmd variable. Just remember to assign the modified value to cmd.

    For multiple plugins, the code will be inserted in the order of the plugin priority. Keep in mind that the $cmd may be modified by other plugins.

    The code will replace the #![jobcmd_prep] placeholder in the wrapped job script. See also

  • on_jobcmd_end(job) -> str (sync):

    When the job command finishes and after the postscript is run

    This should return a piece of bash code to be inserted in the wrapped job script (template), which is a python template string, with the following variables available: status and job. status is the class JobStatus from and job is the Job instance.

    The bash variable $rc is accessible in the context, which is the return code of the job command.

    For multiple plugins, the code will be inserted in the order of the plugin priority.

    The code will replace the #![jobcmd_end] placeholder in the wrapped job script. See also

Loading plugins

You can specify the plugins to be loaded by specifying the names or the plugin itself in plugins configuration. With names, the plugins will be loaded from entry points.

You can also disable some plugins if they are set in the lower-priority configurations. For example, you want to disable pipen_verbose (enabled in a configuration file) for a pipeline:

Pipen(..., plugins=["-pipen_verbose"])


You can use + as prefix to enable a disabled plugin, or - as prefix to disable an enabled plugin. If no prefix is used, only the specified plugins will be enabled and all other plugins will be disabled. You should either use + or - for all plugins or none of them. If a plugin is not given as a string, it will be treated as +plugin.

Writing a plugin

You can write your own plugin by implementing some of the above hooks. You can import the plugin directly and add it to `Pipen(..., plugins=[...]). For example:

from pipen import plugin, Pipen

class PipenPlugin:

    [async ]def hook(...):

Pipen(..., plugins=[PipenPlugin])

You can also use the entry point to register your plugin using the group name `pipen`

For ``, you will need:
    # ...
    entry_points={"pipen": ["pipen_verbose = pipen_verbose"]},
    # ...

For pyproject.toml:

pipen_verbose = "pipen_verbose"

Then the plugin pipen_verbose can be loaded by plugins=["+pipen_verbose"] or disabled by plugins=["-pipen_verbose"]

Logging to the console from a plugin

Of course you can do arbitrary logging from a plugin. However, to keep the consistency with main logger of pipen, The best practice is:

from pipen.utils import get_logger

logger = get_logger("verbose", "info")

# do some logging inside the hooks

The above code will produce some logging on the console like this:

11-04 12:00:19 I main    ╭═══════════════════════════ Process ═══════════════════════════╮
11-04 12:00:19 I main     Undescribed.                                                  11-04 12:00:19 I main    ╰═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╯
11-04 12:00:19 I main    Process: Workdir: '.pipen/process'
11-04 12:00:19 I verbose Process: size: 10
11-04 12:00:19 I verbose Process: [0/9] in.a: 0
11-04 12:00:19 I verbose Process: [0/9] out.b: pipeline-0-output/Process/0/a.txt

CLI plugins

See CLI for more details.

  • pipen-verbose: Add verbosal information in logs for pipen.
  • pipen-report: Generate report for pipen
  • pipen-filters: Add a set of useful filters for pipen templates.
  • pipen-diagram: Draw pipeline diagrams for pipen
  • pipen-args: Command line argument parser for pipen
  • pipen-dry: Dry runner for pipen pipelines
  • pipen-annotate: Use docstring to annotate pipen processes
  • pipen-board: Visualize configuration and running of pipen pipelines on the web
  • pipen-lock: Process lock for pipen to prevent multiple runs at the same time.
  • pipen-log2file: Save running logs to file for pipen
  • pipen-poplog: Populate logs from jobs to running log of the pipeline
  • pipen-runinfo: Save running information to file for pipen
  • pipen-gcs: A plugin for pipen to handle files in Google Cloud Storage.