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Input and output

Specify input of a process

The input of a process is specified with input, the keys of the input data, and input_data, the real input data


Why separate the keys and data?

Because the keys and data are not always combined, for example, we need the keys to infer the output and script (using them in the template), but the data may be deferred to obtain from the output of dependency processes.

The complete form of an input key (input) is <key>:<type>. The <type> could be var, file, dir, files and dirs. A type of var can be omitted. So ph1, ph2 is the same as ph1:var, ph2:var

If a process is requiring other processes, the specified input_data will be ignored, and will use the output data of their required processes:

class P1(Proc):
    input = "v1"
    output = "o1:{{in.v1}}" # pass by v1 as output variable
    input_data = ["a"]

class P2(Proc):
    input = "v2"
    output = "o2:{{in.v2}}"
    input_data = ["b"]

class P3(Proc):
    requires = [P1, P2]
    input = "i1, i2"
    output = "o3:{{in.i1}}_{{in.i2}}" # will be "a_b"
    # input_data = []  # ignored with a warning

Pipen().run(P1, P2)


The direct input_data is ignore, but you can use a callback to modify the input channel. For example:

class P4(Proc):
    requires = [P1, P2]
    input = "i1, i2"
    input_data = lambda ch: ch.applymap(str.upper)
    output = "o3:{{in.i1}}_{{in.i2}}" # will be "A_B"


When the input data does have enough columns, None will be used with warnings. And when the input data has more columns than the input keys, the extra columns are dropped and ignored, also with warnings

Specify output of a process

Different from input, instead of channels, you have to tell pipen how to compute the output channel. The output can be a list or str. If it's str, a comma (,) is used to separate different keys:

To use templating in output, see templating.

class P1(Proc):
    input = "invar, infile"
    input_data = [(1, "/a/b/c.txt")]
    output = (
        "outvar:{{in.invar}}2, "
        "outfile:file:{{in.infile.split('/')[-1]}}2, "

# The type 'var' is omitted in the first element.
# The output channel will be:
#    outvar    outfile                 outdir
#    <object>  <object>                <object>
# 0  "12"      "<job.outdir>/c.text2"  "<job.outdir>/c-dir"

Types of input and output


Type Meaning
var Use the values directly
file Treat the data as a file path
dir Treat the data as a directory path
files Treat the data as a list of file paths
dirs Treat the data as a list of directory paths

For file/files, when checking whether a job is cached, their last modified time will be checked.

For dir/dirs, if dirsig > 0, then the files inside the directories will be checked. Otherwise, the directories themselves are checked for last modified time.


Type Meaning Memo
var Use the values directly
dir Use the data as a directory path The directory will be created directly
file Use the data as a file path