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Defining a process

A pipeline consists of many processes, which could own multiple jobs that run in parallel.

Defining/Creating processes

pipen has two (preferred) ways to define processes:

Subclassing pipen.Proc

from pipen import Proc

class MyProcess(Proc):
    ... # process configurations

The configurations are specified as class variables of the class.

Using class method Proc.from_proc()

If you want to reuse a defined process, you can either subclass it:

class MyOtherProcess(MyProcess):
    ... # configurations inherited from MyProcess

Or use Proc.from_proc():

# You can also pass the configurations you want to override
MyOtherProcess = Proc.from_proc(MyProcess, ...)

Note that Proc.from_proc() cannot override all configurations/class variables, because we assume that there are some shared configurations if you want to "copy" from another process.

These shared configurations are:

  1. Template engine and its options (template and template_opts)
  2. Script template (script)
  3. Input keys (input)
  4. Language/Interpreter of the script (lang)
  5. Output keys (output)

All other configurations can be passed to Proc.from_proc() to override the old ones.

For all configurations/class variables for a process, see next section.

You don't need to specify the new name of the new process, the variable name on the left-handle side will be used if name argument is not provided to Proc.from_proc(). For example:

NewProc = Proc.from_proc(OldProc)
# == "NewProc"

But you are able to assign a different name to a new process if you want. For example:

NewProc = Proc.from_proc(OldProc, name="NewProc2")
# = "NewProc2"

How about instantiation of Proc directly?

You are not allowed to do that. Proc is an abstract class, which is designed to be subclassed.

How about instantiation of a Proc subclass?

Nope, in pipen, a process is a Proc subclass itself. The instances of the subcleasses are used internally, and they are singletons. In most cases, you don't need to use the instances, unless you want to access the computed properties of the instances, including:

  • pipeline: The pipeline, which is a Pipen object
  • pbar: The progress bar for the process, indicating the job status of this process
  • jobs: The jobs of this process
  • xqute: The Xqute object to manage the job running.
  • template: The template engine (a pipen.template.Template object)
  • template_opts: The template options (overwritten from config by the template_opts class variable)
  • input: The sanitized input keys and types
  • output: The compiled output template, ready for the jobs to render with their own data
  • scheduler: The scheduler object (inferred from the name or sheduler object from the scheduler class variable)
  • script: The compiled script template, ready for the jobs to render with their own data

How about copy/deep-copy of a Proc subclass?

Nope. Copy or deep-copy of a Proc subclass won't trigger __init_subclass__(), where consolidate the process name from the class name if not specified and connect the required processes with the current one. Copy or deep-copy keeps all properties, but disconnect the relationships between current process and the dependency processes, even with a separate assignment, such as MyProcess.requires = ....

process configurations and Proc class variables

The configurations of a process are specified as class variables of subclasses of Proc.

Name Meaning Can be overwritten by Proc.from_proc()
name The name of the process. Will use the class name by default. Yes
desc The description of the process. Will use the summary from the docstring by default. Yes
envs The env variables that are job-independent, useful for common options across jobs. Yes, and old ones will be inherited
cache Should we detect whether the jobs are cached? Yes
dirsig When checking the signature for caching, the depth we should walk through the content of the directory? This is sometimes time-consuming if the directory and the depth are big. Yes
export When True, the results will be exported to <pipeline.outdir> Defaults to None, meaning only end processes will export. You can set it to True/False to enable or disable exporting for processes Yes
error_strategy How to deal with the errors: retry, ignore, halt Yes
num_retries How many times to retry to jobs once error occurs Yes
template Define the template engine to use. No
template_opts Options to initialize the template engine. No
forks How many jobs to run simultaneously? Yes
input The keys and types for the input channel No
input_data The input data (will be computed for dependent processes) Yes
lang The language for the script to run. No
order The execution order for the same dependency-level processes Yes
output The output keys for the output channel No
plugin_opts Options for process-level plugins Yes
requires The dependency processes Yes
scheduler The scheduler to run the jobs Yes
scheduler_opts The options for the scheduler Yes
script The script template for the process No
submission_batch How many jobs to be submited simultaneously Yes