Writing reports

Using carbon-components-svelte components

carbon-components-svelte is supported by default. So you can use any components from the package. See their documentations.

To use a components from carbon-components-svelte:

    import { Button } from 'carbon-components-svelte`;
    // or use a shortcut
    import { Button } from '$ccs';

<Button />

Using builtin components

There are also builting components to enhance some functions.

To use a builtin component:

import { Image } from '../../components';
// or use a shortcut
import { Image } from '$libs';
import { Image } from '$components';

Thanks to the rollup-alias plugin, you can use the following aliases:

  entries: [
  { find: '$components', replacement: '../../components' },
  { find: '$component', replacement: '../../components' },
  { find: '$layouts', replacement: '../../layouts' },
  { find: '$layout', replacement: '../../layouts' },
  { find: '$libs', replacement: '../../components' },
  { find: '$lib', replacement: '../../components' },
  { find: '$extlibs', replacement: '../../extlibs/{{extlibs.split("/")[-1]}}' },
  { find: '$ccs', replacement: 'carbon-components-svelte' },


An enhanced DataTable from carbon-components-svelte/DataTable.

Additional features:

  • Paginations enabled by default, with properties:

  • page: set current page

  • pageSize: set current page size
  • pageSizes: allowed page sizes to set

  • Sorting enabled by default (with sortable = true)

  • zebra set to true by default (with zebra = true)
  • Added a frame around the table, so tables and images can be aligned (better looking)
  • You can set frameProps to null/undefined to disable it.
  • Implemented download of data in the table or the entire data file if property src is set.
  • Implemented search
  • Allowing a single data property to pass data instead of headers and rows
  • data is just rows, but headers will be inferred from it.


A datatable filter is added for python to render the template, so that we can read the data from a data file.

    import { DataTable } from "$libs";

<DataTable src="{{job.out.outfile}}" data={ {{ job.out.outfile | datafile: sep="\t" }} } />

All other arguments will be passed to pandas.read_csv() except doule_precision, which will be passed to pandas.DataFrame.to_json() to control the precision of the numbers.


An enhanced ImageLoader from carbon-components-svelte/ImageLoader

Additional features:

  • Similarly, a frame is added and enabled by default. To disable it, set frameProps to null/undefined
  • Removed the width 100% style, added a class, and set the default width 45%.
  • Added a modal when clicking on the image, the original dimension of the image is shown.
  • Added "open in new window" for the image in the modal.
  • Added a toolbar on the top-left corner of the image, with buttons to download the resources related to this image (i.e. the high-resolution image, the data file, etc.)
  • To provide the information about the resources, use the data property. It should be:
  • a list of objects or a single object, each object should have a src, tip and a icon property, where src is the path to the resource, tip is the tooltip, and icon is the icon to show. By default, the icon is auto, which will be inferred from the extension of the src. Available icons:
    • DocumentPdf: Associated extensions: pdf
    • ChartLineData: Associated extensions: html
    • Png: Associated extensions: png
    • Jpg: Associated extensions: jpg, jpeg
    • Gif: Associated extensions: gif
    • Svg: Associated extensions: svg
    • Tif: Associated extensions: tif, tiff
    • Archive: Associated extensions: zip, tar, gz, bz2, xz, 7z, rar
    • DatabaseElastic: Associated extensions: eps
    • Data/DataVolume: No associated extensions, can be used for user specification
    • IbmWatsonxCodeAssistantForZRefactor/Code: No associated extensions, can be used for user specification
    • VideoPlayer: Associated extensions: mp4, avi, mov, mkv, webm
    • Image: No associated extensions, can be used for user specification
    • DocumentDownload: Default icon
  • a list of strings or a single string, each string will be the src and tip will be inferred from the src. The icon will be auto.


A component to show a description.


  • title: the title of the description

The content of the description is passed to the slot.


An iframe component to embed an external page.


  • src: the url of the page to embed
  • width: the width of the iframe
  • height: the height of the iframe
  • title: the title of the iframe
  • frameborder: the border of the iframe
  • ref: the reference of the iframe (HTMLElement)
  • resize: The way of resizing the iframe. Should be a CSS value of resize. Default is none.
  • containerClass: The class of the container of the iframe. Default is "".


A component to show a plotly plot. The plot must be saved as an html file.


  • frameProps: the properties of the frame around the plot. Default is {"class": "pipen-report-plotly-frame"}.
  • src: the path to the plotly html file.
  • title: the title of the plot (iframe)
  • width: the width of the plot (iframe)
  • height: the height of the plot (iframe)


A markdown tag is processed at server side by python, which is not implemented as a svelte component. So you don't need to import it in script tag.

Everything inside the <Markdown> is passed to markdown.markdown() from python Markdown package to convert to html.

Advanced usage

Using self-defined components

Say you have a set of components that you want to use in all your reports. You can specify the path to the directory containing the components in report_extlibs by either pipen report config --extlibs <path> or pipeline.config.plugin_opts.report_extlibs = <path>.

Then you can import the components from the path you specified.

    import { MyComponent } from '$extlibs/MyComponent.svelte';

You can write your own components based on carbon-components-svelte components.

Note that the shortcut $ccs is not available in the components you write. You have to use 'carbon-components-svelte'.


You can also use the aliases/shortcuts for modules in your components. See Using builtin components for the list of aliases.

For those relative paths, you have to pay attention to the path of your components. The extlibs are symbolically linked to the ~/.pipen/Pipeline/.report-workdir/src/extlibs/{{extlibs.split("/")[-1]}} directory. So you have to use the relative path from the ~/.pipen/Pipeline/.report-workdir/src/extlibs/{{extlibs.split("/")[-1]}} directory. So it is Okay to use the aliases/shortcuts when your components are directly under the extlibs directory. If your components are in a subdirectory, you have to go up more levels for the components. For example, let's say your component is in <extlibs>/components/MyComponent.svelte, then you have to import it like this:

    // instead of using $libs
    import { Image } from '../../../components';

Using other svelte components

  • Can you use other svelte components?

    Yes. But you have to do it for every pipeline run. And you have to set report_nobuild to True.

  • How?

    In the working directory (~/.pipen/Pipeline/.report-workdir/), remove node_modules and make a copy of package.json instead of a symbolinc link. This is important, you may not want to pollute the global one.

    For example, if you want to use smelte Then run npm install and npm install -D smelte

    In your template:

        import { Chip } from "smelte";
        let closed = false;
        let clicked = false;
        on:close={() => closed = true}
        on:click={() => clicked = true}

    Finally, run npm build to buld your reports

Converting paths to urls

When we write a report template, we usually specify the path on the file system to the resources. But when we want to deploy the report, we need to convert the paths to urls, so that the resources can be accessed by the browser.

Here is the rule to convert the paths to urls:

  • If the resource is a file from process results, which are usually stored in one-level up from the REPORTS directory, the path should be converted to a relative path to the REPORTS directory. For example, if the REPORTS directory is /path/to/REPORTS, the path to the resource is /path/to/someproc/image.png, then the converted path should be ../someproc/image.png.
  • If the resource is a file from process results, but the process does not exports the results to the output directory (i.e. some intermediate processes), the resource will be copied to /path/to/REPORTS/data directory. The converted path should be data/image.<id>.png, where <id> is associated with the raw resource path.
  • A relative path or a URL to the resource will be kept as is.

When we are using other, self-defined or external components, we should register the tag and the property with the path for conversion.

For example, if we have a component MyComponent that has a property src that is a path to a resource, we should register the tag and the property with the path for conversion, using the report_relpath_tags configuration.

from pipen import Pipen

class Pipeline(Pipen):
    plugin_opts = {
        "report_relpath_tags": {
            "MyComponent": "src",
            "MyComponent2": ["src", "src2"],  # multiple properties

Already registered tags are:

    "a": "href",
    "embed": "src",
    "img": "src",
    "Link": "href",
    "Image": ("src", "download"),
    "ImageLoader": "src",
    "DataTable": "src",
    "iframe": "src",
    "Iframe": "src",
    "Plotly": "src",
    "Download": "href",