

Report generation system for pipen



Report plugin for pipen

Configurations: report: The report template or file, None to disable report_order: The order of the process to show in the index page and app menu report_toc: Whether include TOC for the process report or not report_paging: Split the report for a process by h1's None: don't split; 3: 3 h1's in a page report_loglevel: logging level report_force_export: Force the process to export output when report template is given report_npm: Path to npm report_nmdir: Where should the frontend dependencies installed? By default, the frontend dependencies will be installed in frontend/ of the python package directory. However, this directory may not be writable. In this case, the frontend dependencies will be installed in the directory specified. report_nobuild: Don't build the final report. If True only preprare the environment Say if you want to do the building manually report_extlibs: External components to be used in the report report_no_collapse_pgs: Don't collapse the procgroups in the index page