

Filters for pipen-report

This module contains the filters for pipen-report. The filters are used in the report template to render the report.

  • datatable(path, *args, ncols, nrows, double_precision, excluded, **kwargs) (str) Read data from a file, using pandas.read_csv() and make it to json sojs can handle it and render it with </>
  • register_component(kind, *aliases) (Callable) Register a component renderer</>
  • register_ui(kind, *aliases) (Callable) Register a UI renderer</>
  • render_component(component, job, level) (str) Render the content based on its kind.</>
  • render_job(job, report_file, h) (str) Generate a report template from a report json file</>
  • render_ui(contents, ui, job, level) (str) Render a ui</>

pipen_report.filters.datatable(path, *args, ncols=None, nrows=None, double_precision=4, excluded=None, **kwargs)

Read data from a file, using pandas.read_csv() and make it to json sojs can handle it and render it with

  • path (PathLike) The path to the data file.
  • *args (Any) Additional positional arguments to pass to pandas.read_csv().
  • ncols (Union[int, Iterable], optional) Either the number of columns toselect or an iterable of column indices or names. Defaults to None.
  • nrows (Union[int, Iterable], optional) Either the number of rows to selector an iterable of row indices. Defaults to None.
  • double_precision (int, optional) The precision for double numbers.See also pandas.DataFrame.to_json(). Defaults to 4.
  • excluded (set, optional) A set of column names to exclude from the resultingDataFrame. Defaults to None.
  • **kwargs (Any) Additional keyword arguments to pass to pandas.read_csv().
Returns (str)

A JSON format of the data.


pipen_report.filters.render_component(component, job=None, level=0)

Render the content based on its kind.

  • component (Any) The content to be rendered.
  • job (Mapping[str, Any]) The job information.
  • level (int) The level of the content.
Returns (str)

The rendered content.

  • ValueError If the kind of component in toc is unknown.

pipen_report.filters.register_component(kind, *aliases)

Register a component renderer

  • kind (str) The kind of component to register.
  • *aliases (str) The aliases of the kind.
Returns (Callable)

The decorator to register the component renderer.


pipen_report.filters.render_ui(contents, ui, job=None, level=0)

Render a ui

  • contents (List[Mapping[str, Any]]) The contents to render in the UI.
  • ui (str) The type of UI to render.Allowed values are "flat", "table_of_images", "accordion", and "tabs".
  • job (Mapping[str, Any], optional) The job information. Defaults to None.
  • level (int, optional) The level of the UI. Defaults to 0.
Returns (str)

The rendered UI as a string.

  • ValueError If the provided UI type is not one of the allowed values.

pipen_report.filters.register_ui(kind, *aliases)

Register a UI renderer

  • kind (str) The kind of UI to register.
  • *aliases (str) The aliases of the kind.
Returns (Callable)

The decorator to register the UI renderer.


pipen_report.filters.render_job(job, report_file='report.json', h=1)

Generate a report template from a report json file

  • job The job data that can be used to render the template
  • report_file (str, optional) Absolute path to a report file or relative to job.outdir
  • h (int, optional) The starting level of the headers
Returns (str)

The generated report