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The CLI tool

The CLI tool

Checking the requirements

$ neutrapy check
# Checks if neu-cli, poetry and pyoxidizer are installed

$ neutrapy check --python /path/to/python
# Specify the path to python used in the project

Creating a new project

$ neutrapy create --help

  Create a new project.

  neutrapy create --name STR [OPTIONS]

  -n, --name <STR>                - The name of the project. It's used to create
                                    a directory under current directory, and
                                    also the project name in
                                    neutralinojs.config.json and pyproject.toml.

  --python <STR>                  - The path to the python executable.
                                    Default: python
  -v, --version <STR>             - The version of the project. It's used in
                                    neutralinojs.config.json and pyproject.toml.
                                    Default: 0.1.0
  -d, --description <STR>         - The description of the project. Default: ''
  -l, --license <STR>             - The license of the project. Default: MIT
  -t, --template <STR>            - The template used to create the project.
                                    Default: default
  --force [BOOL]                  - Remove existing project directory and then
                                    create. Default: False
  --ext-loglevel <STR>            - Default logging level for the python
                                    extension. Default: INFO
  -h, --help                      - Print help information for this command

This command will:

  • Remove the existing project directory if --force is passed
  • Run neu create <name> to create a neutralinojs project (A directory with <name> will be created under current directory)
  • Copy the template files to the project directory and replace the placeholders with the values passed to the command
  • Create neutrapy.toml in the project directory with given configurations from the template and the values passed to the command
  • Syncronize the neutrapy.toml to other configurations files, including:

    • poetry.lock and requirements.txt (for PyOxidizer to build the python extension)
    • pyoxidizer.bzl for PyOxidizer to build the python extension

Syncronizing the configurations

$ neutrapy sync
# Syncronize the neutrapy.toml to other configurations files

These configurations include:

  • pyproject.toml (items under poetry section in neutrapy.toml will be synced to tool.poetry section in pyproject.toml)
  • neutralinojs.config.json (items under neutralino section in neutrapy.toml will be synced to neutralino section in neutralinojs.config.json)
  • poetry.lock and requirements.txt (for PyOxidizer to build the python extension)
  • pyoxidizer.bzl for PyOxidizer to build the python extension


The best practice is to always modify neutrapy.toml and then run neutrapy sync to syncronize the configurations, except pyoxidizer.bzl which is generated by PyOxidizer.


To manage the python dependences for the python extension, do NOT use poetry add and poetry remove. Instead, use neutrapy add and neutrapy remove to add and remove python packages, so that they will be sync'ed to all the configuration files.

If you accidentally use poetry add and poetry remove, neutrapy sync will lose those dependencies.

Adding/Removing python packages

$ neutrapy add --help

  Add a python dependency.

  neutrapy add - LIST [OPTIONS]

  POSITIONAL <LIST>               - The names of the dependencies.

  -D, --dev [BOOL]                - Add the dependencies to dev-dependencies.
                                    Default: False
  -E, --extras <LIST>             - Extras to activate for the dependency.
                                    Default: []
  --optional [BOOL]               - Add the dependencies as optional.
                                    Default: False
  --pyver <STR>                   - Python version for which the dependency must
                                    be installed. Default: ''
  --platform <STR>                - Platform for which the dependency must be
                                    installed. Default: ''
  --source <STR>                  - Name of the source to use for the
                                    dependency. Default: ''
  --allow-prereleases [BOOL]      - Allow prereleases. Default: False
  --lock [BOOL]                   - Do not perform operations (only update the
                                    lockfile). Default: False
  -h, --help                      - Print help information for this command
$ neutrapy remove --help

  Remove a python dependency.

  neutrapy remove - LIST [OPTIONS]

  POSITIONAL <LIST>               - The names of the dependencies.

  -D, --dev [BOOL]                - Remove the dependencies from
                                    dev-dependencies. Default: False
  -h, --help                      - Print help information for this command


--pyver will be passed as --python to poetry add command.

Running the application

$ neutrapy run --help

  Run current project.
  See also:

  neutrapy run [OPTIONS]

  --disable-auto-reload [BOOL]    - Disables the auto-reloading feature.
                                    Default: False
  --frontend-lib-dev [BOOL]       - Enables both frontend library's development
                                    environment and Neutralinojs's development
                                    evironment at the same time. Default: False
  -- <LIST>                       - Sets additional CLI arguments for the
                                    Neutralinojs application process.
                                    Default: []
  -h, --help                      - Print help information for this command

This will simply call neu run to run the application.

Building the application

$ neutrapy build --help

  Build the project.

  neutrapy build [OPTIONS]

  --force [BOOL]                  - Do not check if we need to do `neutrapy
                                    sync` before building. Default: False
  -h, --help                      - Print help information for this command

This will:

  • Check if neutrapy sync is needed (if neutrapy.toml is modified since last neutrapy sync) if --force is not passed
  • Build the python extension using PyOxidizer
  • Modify the neutralinojs.config.json to use the built python extension
  • Build the Neutralinojs application using neu build
  • Restore the neutralinojs.config.json
  • Copy the built python extension to the app directory (./dist) under backend
  • Copy the neutrapy.toml to the app directory for the backend to use