
Cluster all T cells or selected T cells selected by TCellSelection.

If [TCellSelection] is not set in the configuration, meaning all cells are T cells, this process will be run on all T cells. Otherwise, this process will be run on the selected T cells by TCellSelection.

See also: SeuratClusteringOfAllCells.

Environment Variables

  • ncores (type=int;order=-100): Default: 1.
    Number of cores to use.
    Used in future::plan(strategy = "multicore", workers = <ncores>) to parallelize some Seurat procedures.
    See also:
  • ScaleData (ns): Arguments for ScaleData().
    If you want to re-scale the data by regressing to some variables, Seurat::ScaleData will be called. If nothing is specified, Seurat::ScaleData will not be called.
  • SCTransform (ns): Arguments for SCTransform().
    If you want to re-scale the data by regressing to some variables, Seurat::SCTransform will be called. If nothing is specified, Seurat::SCTransform will not be called.
  • RunUMAP (ns): Arguments for RunUMAP().
    object is specified internally, and - in the key will be replaced with ..
    dims=N will be expanded to dims=1:N; The maximal value of N will be the minimum of N and the number of columns - 1 for each sample.
  • FindNeighbors (ns): Arguments for FindNeighbors().
    object is specified internally, and - in the key will be replaced with ..
  • FindClusters (ns): Arguments for FindClusters().
    object is specified internally, and - in the key will be replaced with ..
    The cluster labels will be saved in seurat_clusters and prefixed with "c".
    The first cluster will be "c1", instead of "c0".
    • resolution (type=auto): Default: 0.8.
      The resolution of the clustering. You can have multiple resolutions as a list or as a string separated by comma.
      Ranges are also supported, for example: 0.1:0.5:0.1 will generate 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5. The step can be omitted, defaulting to 0.1.
      The results will be saved in seurat_clusters_<resolution>.
      The final resolution will be used to define the clusters at seurat_clusters.
    • <more>: See
  • cache (type=auto): Default: /tmp.
    Whether to cache the information at different steps.
    If True, the seurat object will be cached in the job output directory, which will be not cleaned up when job is rerunning.
    The cached seurat object will be saved as <signature>.<kind>.RDS file, where <signature> is the signature determined by the input and envs of the process.
    See, and for more details also about reproducibility issues.
    To not use the cached seurat object, you can either set cache to False or delete the cached file at <signature>.RDS in the cache directory.


The metadata of the Seurat object will be updated with the cluster assignments:
