
Metabolic landscape analysis for scRNA-seq data

An abstract from

See also

This is a group of processes to analyze the metabolic landscape of single cell RNA-seq data.

It collects a set of processes and owns a set of arguments. These arguments could either preset the default values for the processes or define the relationships between the processes.


The processes in this group implement part of the pipeline below from the original paper.


The data preparation, preprocessing and clustering already done by other processes of this pipeline. The processes in this group are used to analyze the metabolic landscape of the data.

Group arguments

  • noimpute (flag): Whether to do imputation for the dropouts. If False, the values will be left as is.
  • gmtfile: The GMT file with the metabolic pathways. The gene names should match the gene names in the gene list in RNAData or the Seurat object
  • grouping: It defines the basic groups to investigate the metabolic activity Typically the clusters.
  • grouping_prefix: Working as a prefix to group names For example, if we have grouping_prefix = "cluster" and we have 1 and 2 in the grouping column, the groups will be named as cluster_1 and cluster_2
  • subsetting (type=auto): How do we subset the data. Other columns in the metadata to do comparisons. For example, "TimePoint" or ["TimePoint", "Response"]
  • subsetting_prefix (type=auto): Working as a prefix to subset names For example, if we have subsetting_prefix = "timepoint" and we have pre and post in the subsetting column, the subsets will be named as timepoint_pre and timepoint_post If subsetting is a list, this should also be a same-length list. If a single string is given, it will be repeated to a list with the same length as subsetting
  • subsetting_comparison (type=json): What kind of comparisons are we doing to compare cells from different subsets. It should be dict with keys as the names of the comparisons and values as the 2 comparison groups from the subsetting column. For example, if we have pre and post in the subsetting column, we could have subsetting_comparison = {"pre_vs_post": ["post", "pre"]} The second group will be the control group in the comparison. If we also have 1, 2 and 3 in the grouping column, by default, the comparisons are done within each subset for each group. For example, for group 1, groups 2 and 3 will be used as control, and for group 2, groups 1 and 3 will be used as control, and for group 3, groups 1 and 2 will be used as control. It is similar to Seurat::FindMarkers procedure. With this option, the comparisons are also done to compare cells from different subsets within each group. With the example above, we will have pre_vs_post comparisons within each group. If subsetting is a list, this must be a list of dicts with the same length.
  • mutaters (type=json): Add new columns to the metadata for grouping/subsetting. They are passed to |> mutate(...). For example, {"timepoint": "if_else(treatment == 'control', 'pre', 'post')"} will add a new column timepoint to the metadata with values of pre and post based on the treatment column.
  • ncores (type=int): Number of cores to use for parallelization for each process
