
This process performs enrichment analysis for the metabolic pathways for each group in each subset.

The enrichment analysis is done with fgsea package or the GSEA_R package.


  • sobjfile:


  • outdir: Default: {{in.sobjfile | stem}}.pathwayfeatures.

Environment Variables

  • ncores (type=int;pgarg): Default: 1.
    Number of cores to use for parallelization.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.ncores
  • fgsea (flag): Default: True.
    Whether to do fast gsea analysis using fgsea package.
    If False, the GSEA_R package will be used.
  • prerank_method (choice): Default: signal_to_noise.
    Method to use for gene preranking.
    Signal to noise: the larger the differences of the means (scaled by the standard deviations); that is, the more distinct the gene expression is in each phenotype and the more the gene acts as a “class marker.”.
    Absolute signal to noise: the absolute value of the signal to noise.
    T test: Uses the difference of means scaled by the standard deviation and number of samples.
    Ratio of classes: Uses the ratio of class means to calculate fold change for natural scale data.
    Diff of classes: Uses the difference of class means to calculate fold change for nature scale data Log2 ratio of classes: Uses the log2 ratio of class means to calculate fold change for natural scale data. This is the recommended statistic for calculating fold change for log scale data.
    • signal_to_noise: Signal to noise
    • s2n: Alias of signal_to_noise
    • abs_signal_to_noise: absolute signal to noise
    • abs_s2n: Alias of abs_signal_to_noise
    • t_test: T test
    • ratio_of_classes: Also referred to as fold change
    • diff_of_classes: Difference of class means
    • log2_ratio_of_classes: Log2 ratio of class means
  • top (type=int): Default: 10.
    N top of enriched pathways to show
  • gmtfile (pgarg): The GMT file with the metabolic pathways.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.gmtfile
  • grouping (type=auto;pgarg;readonly): Defines the basic groups to investigate the metabolic activity.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.grouping
  • grouping_prefix (type=auto;pgarg;readonly): Default: "".
    Working as a prefix to group names.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.grouping_prefix
  • subsetting (type=auto;pgarg;readonly): How do we subset the data.
    Another column(s) in the metadata.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.subsetting
  • subsetting_prefix (type=auto;pgarg;readonly): Working as a prefix to subset names.
    Defaults to ScrnaMetabolicLandscape.subsetting_prefix