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Reference of datar.forcats

Reference map of r-tidyverse-forcats can be found here.


Sample Status
normal API that is regularly ported
strike-through API that is not ported, or not an API originally
bold API that is unique in datar
italic Working in process

Change order of levels

API Description Notebook example
fct_relevel() Reorder factor levels by hand
fct_inorder() fct_infreq() fct_inseq() Reorder factor levels by first appearance, frequency, or numeric order
fct_reorder() fct_reorder2() last2() first2() Reorder factor levels by sorting along another variable
fct_shuffle() Randomly permute factor levels
fct_rev() Reverse order of factor levels
fct_shift() Shift factor levels to left or right, wrapping around at end

Change value of levels

API Description Notebook example
fct_anon() Anonymise factor levels
fct_collapse() Collapse factor levels into manually defined groups
fct_lump() fct_lump_min() fct_lump_prop() fct_lump_n() fct_lump_lowfreq() Lump together actor levels into "other"
fct_other() Replace levels with "other"
fct_recode() Change factor levels by hand
fct_relabel() Automatically relabel factor levels, collapse as necessary

Add/remove levels

API Description Notebook example
fct_expand() Add additional levels to a factor
fct_explicit_na() Make missing values explicit
fct_drop() Drop unused levels
fct_unify() Unify the levels in a list of factors

Combine multiple factors

API Description Notebook example
fct_c() Concatenate factors, combining levels
fct_cross() Combine levels from two or more factors to create a new factor

Other helpers

API Description Notebook example
as_factor() Convert input to a factor
fct_count() Count entries in a factor
fct_match() Test for presence of levels in a factor
fct_unique() Unique values of a factor
lvls_reorder() lvls_revalue() lvls_expand() Low-level functions for manipulating levels
lvls_union() Find all levels in a list of factors