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Reference of datar.dplyr

Reference map of r-tidyverse-dplyr can be found here.


Sample Status
normal API that is regularly ported
strike-through API that is not ported, or not an API originally
bold API that is unique in datar
italic Working in process

One table verbs

API Description Notebook example
arrange() Arrange rows by column values
count() tally() add_count() add_tally() Count observations by group
distinct() Subset distinct/unique rows
filter() Subset rows using column values
mutate() transmute() Create, modify, and delete columns
pull() Extract a single column
relocate() Change column order
rename() rename_with() Rename columns
select() Subset columns using their names and types
summarise() summarize() Summarise each group to fewer rows
slice() slice_head() slice_tail() slice_min() slice_max() slice_sample() Subset rows using their positions

Two table verbs

API Description Notebook example
bind_rows() bind_cols() Efficiently bind multiple data frames by row and column
intersect() setdiff() setequal() union() Set operations on data frame
all_of() any_of() contains() ends_with() everything() last_col() matches() num_range() one_of() starts_with() Select variables from character vectors
union_all() Set operations
inner_join() left_join() right_join() full_join() Mutating joins
nest_join() Nest join
semi_join() anti_join() Filtering joins


API Description Notebook example
group_by() ungroup() Group by one or more variables
group_cols() group_vars() Select grouping variables
rowwise() Group input by rows

Vector functions

API Description Notebook example
across() if_any() if_all() Apply a function (or functions) across multiple columns
c_across() Combine values from multiple columns
between() Do values in a numeric vector fall in specified range?
case_when() A general vectorised if
coalesce() Find first non-missing element
cumall() cumany() cummean() Cumulativate versions of any, all, and mean
desc() Descending order
if_else() Vectorised if
lag() lead() Compute lagged or leading values
order_by() A helper function for ordering window function output
n() cur_data() cur_data_all() cur_group() cur_group_id() cur_group_rows() cur_column() Context dependent expressions
n_distinct() Efficiently count the number of unique values in a set of vectors
na_if() Convert values to NA
near() Compare two numeric vectors
nth() first() last() Extract the first, last or nth value from a vector
row_number() ntile() min_rank() dense_rank() percent_rank() cume_dist() Windowed rank functions.
recode() recode_factor() Recode values


See datasets

Remote tables


API Description Notebook example
group_map() group_modify() group_walk() Apply a function to each group
group_trim() Trim grouping structure
group_split() Split data frame by groups
with_groups() Perform an operation with temporary groups
rows_insert() rows_update() rows_patch() rows_upsert() rows_delete() Manipulate individual rows

