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"""Collects datasets from R-datasets, dplyr and tidyr packages"""
import functools
from typing import Any, List

from ..core.load_plugins import plugin
from .metadata import Metadata, metadata

# Should never do `from import *`
__all__ = []  # type: List[str]

def descr_datasets(*names: str):DOCS
    """Get the information of the given datasets

        *names: Names of the datasets to get the information of.
    return {
        key: val
        for key, val in metadata.items()
        if key in names or not names

def add_dataset(name: str, meta: Metadata):DOCS
    """Add a dataset to the registry

        name: The name of the dataset
        metadata: The metadata of the dataset
    metadata[name] = meta

def load_dataset(name: str, __backend: str = None) -> Any:
    """Load the specific dataset"""
    loaded = plugin.hooks.load_dataset(name, metadata, __plugin=__backend)
    if loaded is None:
        from ..core.utils import NotImplementedByCurrentBackendError
        raise NotImplementedByCurrentBackendError(f"loading dataset '{name}'")

    return loaded

def __getattr__(name: str):
    # mkapi accesses quite a lot of attributes starting with _
    if not name.isidentifier() or name.startswith("__"):  # pragma: no cover
        raise AttributeError(name)

    return load_dataset(name.lower())