"""Processes for TCGA MAF files."""
from ..core.proc import Proc
from ..core.config import config
class Maf2Vcf(Proc):DOCS
"""Converts a MAF file to a VCF file.
This is a wrapper around the `maf2vcf` script from the `maf2vcf` package.
infile: The input MAF file
outfile: Output multi-sample VCF containing all TN-pairs
outdir: Path to output directory where VCFs will be stored,
one per TN-pair
perl: Path to perl to run `maf2vcf.pl`
samtools: Path to samtools to be used in `maf2vcf.pl`
args: Other arguments to pass to the script
input = "infile:file"
output = [
'outfile:file:{{in.infile | stem}}.vcfs/'
'{{in.infile | stem}}.multisample.vcf',
'outdir:dir:{{in.infile | stem}}.vcfs'
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"perl": config.lang.perl,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"ref": config.ref.reffa,
"args": {"per-tn-vcfs": True},
script = "file://../scripts/tcgamaf/Maf2Vcf.py"
class MafAddChr(Proc):DOCS
"""Adds the `chr` prefix to chromosome names in a MAF file if not present.
infile: The input MAF file
outfile: The output MAF file
input = "infile:file"
output = "outfile:file:{{in.infile | stem}}.maf"
lang = config.lang.python
script = "file://../scripts/tcgamaf/MafAddChr.py"