"""Tools to process sam/bam/cram files"""
from ..core.proc import Proc
from ..core.config import config
class CNVpytor(Proc):DOCS
"""Detect CNV using CNVpytor
bamfile: The bam file
Will try to index it if it's not indexed.
snpfile: The snp file
outdir: The output directory
cnvpytor: Path to cnvpytor
samtools: Path to samtools, used to index bam file in case it's not
ncores: Number of cores to use (`-j` for cnvpytor)
refdir: The directory containing the fasta file for each chromosome
genome: The genome assembly to put in the VCF file
chrsize: The geome size file to fix missing contigs in VCF header
chrom: The chromosomes to run on
binsizes: The binsizes
snp: How to read snp data
filters: The filters to filter the result
See - https://github.com/abyzovlab/CNVpytor/blob/master
mask_snps: Whether mask 1000 Genome snps
baf_nomask: Do not use P mask in BAF histograms
- check: {{proc.envs.cnvpytor}} --version
input = "bamfile:file, snpfile:file"
output = "outdir:dir:{{in.bamfile | stem}}.cnvpytor"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"cnvpytor": config.exe.cnvpytor,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"refdir": config.ref.refdir,
"genome": config.ref.genome,
"chrsize": config.ref.chrsize,
"chrom": [],
"binsizes": [10000, 100000],
# set False to disable snp data importing
"snp": {
"sample": "",
"name1": [],
"ad": "AD",
"gt": "GT",
"noAD": False,
"filters": {
# https://github.com/abyzovlab/CNVpytor/blob/master/
# GettingStarted.md#predicting-cnv-regions
"CNVsize": [50000, "inf"], # CNV size
"eval1": [0, 0.0001], # filter on e-val1
"eval2": [], # filter on e-val2
"eval3": [], # filter on e-val3
"eval4": [], # filter on e-val4
"q0": [-1, 0.5], # filter on Q0
"pN": [0, 0.5], # filter on pN
"dG": [100000, "inf"], # filter on dG
"mask_snps": True,
"baf_nomask": False,
# other arguments for -rd
script = "file://../scripts/bam/CNVpytor.py"
plugin_opts = {"report": "file://../reports/bam/CNVpytor.svelte"}
class ControlFREEC(Proc):DOCS
"""Detect CNVs using Control-FREEC
bamfile: The bam file
snpfile: The snp file
outdir: The output directory
freec: Path to Control-FREEC executable
ncores: Number of cores to use
arggs: Other arguments for Control-FREEC
input = "bamfile:file, snpfile:file"
output = "outdir:dir:{{in.bamfile | stem}}.freec"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"freec": config.exe.freec,
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"tabix": config.exe.tabix,
"bedtools": config.exe.bedtools,
"sambamba": config.exe.sambamba,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
# The "<ref>.fai" file will be used as chrLenFile
"ref": config.ref.reffa,
"refdir": config.ref.refdir,
"rscript": config.lang.rscript,
"binsize": 50_000, # shortcut for args.general.window
"args": {
"general": {
"ploidy": 2,
"breakPointThreshold": 0.8,
"sample": {"mateOrientation": "FR"},
"control": {},
"BAF": {},
"target": {},
script = "file://../scripts/bam/ControlFREEC.py"
plugin_opts = {"report": "file://../reports/bam/ControlFREEC.svelte"}
class CNAClinic(Proc):DOCS
"""Detect CNVs using CNAClinic
metafile: The meta file, header included, tab-delimited, including
following columns:
- Bam: The path to bam file
- Sample: Optional. The sample names,
if you don't want filename of bam file to be used
- Group: Optional. The group names, either "Case" or "Control"
- Patient: Optional. The patient names. Since CNAClinic only
supports paired samples, you need to provide the patient names
for each sample. Required if "Group" is provided.
- Binsizer: Optional. Samples used to estimate the bin size
"Y", "Yes", "T", "True", will be treated as True
If not provided, will use `envs.binsizer` to get the samples
to use. Either this column or `envs.binsizer` should be
outdir: The output directory
ncores: Number of cores to use
seed: The seed for random number generator for choosing samples
for estimating bin size
binsizer: The samples used to estimate the bin size, it could be:
A list of sample names
A float number (0 < x <= 1), the fraction of samples to use
A integer number (x > 1), the number of samples to use
binsize: Directly use this binsize for CNAClinic, in kbp.
genome: The genome assembly
run_args: The arguments for CNAClinic::runSegmentation
plot_args: The arguments for CNAClinic::plotSampleData
plot_multi_args: The arguments for CNAClinic::plotMultiSampleData
input = "metafile:file"
output = "outdir:dir:{{in.metafile | stem}}.cnaclinic"
lang = config.lang.rscript
envs = {
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"binsizer": None,
"binsize": None,
"seed": 123,
"genome": config.ref.genome,
"run_args": {
# HMM is errored
"segmentType": ["CBS", "LACBS", "PLS"],
"segmentsToSummarise": ["CBS", "LACBS", "PLS"],
"summaryMethod": "mean",
"plot_args": {},
"plot_multi_args": False,
script = "file://../scripts/bam/CNAClinic.R"
plugin_opts = {
"report": "file://../reports/bam/CNAClinic.svelte",
"report_paging": 20,
class BamSplitChroms(Proc):DOCS
"""Split bam file by chromosomes
bamfile: The bam file
outdir: The output directory with bam files for each chromosome
ncores: Number of cores to use
samtools: Path to samtools executable
sambamba: Path to sambamba executable
tool: The tool to use, either "samtools" or "sambamba"
keep_other_sq: Keep other chromosomes in "@SQ" field in header
chroms: The chromosomes to keep, if not provided, will use all
index: Whether to index the output bam files. Requires the input bam
file to be sorted.
input = "bamfile:file"
output = "outdir:dir:{{in.bamfile | stem}}.split"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"sambamba": config.exe.sambamba,
"tool": "samtools",
"keep_other_sq": False,
"chroms": [],
"index": True,
script = "file://../scripts/bam/BamSplitChroms.py"
class BamMerge(Proc):DOCS
"""Merge bam files
bamfiles: The bam files
outfile: The output bam file
ncores: Number of cores to use
tool: The tool to use, either "samtools" or "sambamba"
samtools: Path to samtools executable
sambamba: Path to sambamba executable
sort: Whether to sort the output bam file
index: Whether to index the output bam file
Requires envs.sort to be True
merge_args: The arguments for merging bam files
`samtools merge` or `sambamba merge`, depending on `tool`
For `samtools`, these keys are not allowed: `-o`, `-O`,
`--output-fmt`, `-@`, and `--threads`, as they are managed by
the script
For `sambamba`, these keys are not allowed: `-t`, and `--nthreads`,
as they are managed by the script
sort_args: The arguments for sorting bam files
`samtools sort` or `sambamba sort`, depending on `tool`
For `samtools`, these keys are not allowed: `-o`, `-@`,
and `--threads`, as they are managed by the script
For `sambamba`, these keys are not allowed: `-t`, `--nthreads`,
`-o` and `--out`, as they are managed by the script
input = "bamfiles:files"
output = "outfile:file:{{in.bamfiles | first | stem}}.merged.bam"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"sambamba": config.exe.sambamba,
"tool": "samtools",
"sort": True,
"index": True,
"merge_args": [],
"sort_args": [],
script = "file://../scripts/bam/BamMerge.py"
class BamSampling(Proc):DOCS
"""Keeping only a fraction of read pairs from a bam file
bamfile: The bam file
outfile: The output bam file
ncores: Number of cores to use
samtools: Path to samtools executable
tool: The tool to use, currently only "samtools" is supported
fraction (type=float): The fraction of reads to keep.
If `0 < fraction <= 1`, it's the fraction of reads to keep.
If `fraction > 1`, it's the number of reads to keep.
Note that when fraction > 1, you may not get the exact number
of reads specified but a close number.
seed: The seed for random number generator
index: Whether to index the output bam file
sort: Whether to sort the output bam file
sort_args: The arguments for sorting bam file using `samtools sort`.
These keys are not allowed: `-o`, `-@`,
and `--threads`, as they are managed by the script.
input = "bamfile:file"
output = "outfile:file:{{in.bamfile | stem}}.sampled{{envs.fraction}}.bam"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"tool": "samtools",
"fraction": None,
"seed": 8525,
"index": True,
"sort": True,
"sort_args": [],
script = "file://../scripts/bam/BamSampling.py"
class BamSubsetByBed(Proc):DOCS
"""Subset bam file by the regions in a bed file
bamfile: The bam file
bedfile: The bed file
outfile: The output bam file
ncores: Number of cores to use
samtools: Path to samtools executable
tool: The tool to use, currently only "samtools" is supported
index: Whether to index the output bam file
input = "bamfile:file, bedfile:file"
output = "outfile:file:{{in.bamfile | stem}}-subset.bam"
lang = config.lang.python
envs = {
"ncores": config.misc.ncores,
"samtools": config.exe.samtools,
"tool": "samtools",
"index": True,
script = "file://../scripts/bam/BamSubsetByBed.py"